
What the Heck is Wrong With My TV?

Predator Press


Still unemployed (oh yeah … moving here was a fantastic idea), I’ve settled into a morning routine of chugging coffee and watching Lassie Come Home reruns.

-Well, I did until today anyways. Man I couldn’t get my television to work no matter how hard I beat on it.

I’m an old pro with the rabbit ears, and have little arrows drawn that articulate the complex angles required for viewing: Lassie Come Home is due north, Leave it to Beaver is south by southwest (unless I want audio too … then it’s a hair more westward and upwards.)

But today I got nothing anywhere.



-It turns out that some genius has decided to stop analog broadcasting altogether!

Obviously I’m furious. I didn’t spend $30,000 of Terri’s hard-earned money on this 360-by-144 inch Pioneer Elite Kuro PRO-111FD to not be able to watch no TV! Yesterday at this time I could count Hugh Beaumont’s nose hairs, and hear Barbara Billingsley’s crisp, upright wisdom in full mono surround sound ... now I can’t even get Bonanza.

How am I supposed to get my fix of The 700 Club now?

You would think they would’ve warned us or something.


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

You've been robbed! I'd write the BBB immediately. I'm sure they'll take care of your problem right away.

Stephanie Barr said...

Clearly, you need to apply for a job at the local broadcast facilities and STOP THE MADNESS!

Also, you might want to ask about that analog issue.

Stickman said...

You outwrote me again. Also, when I made fun of the morons that did know the TV change was coming, I didn't mean you. I am certain that you are of superior intelligence.

LOBO said...

Jeff: I did you one better: I wrote a scathing letter the House Unamerican Activities Committee and gave them the "What for?"

-That'll show 'em.

Stephanie: The last thing I want to see is all that staticky obscure Bigfoot footage in high def.

Stickman: lol! I think we both thought the same thing. "This is news!?" heehee

David said...

I'm one of the lazy sob's that needed to do nothing since my cost-effective *cough*gag* cable company handled it all for me.

Suzanne said...

I use to love Bonanza, Little Joe was such a babe.

ReformingGeek said...

Get Oprah on the phone. What an outrage!

Mom said...

Maybe if you're lucky, someone will record your shows and slam 'em up on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

In place of the 700 Club, there are a lot of good radio evangelists, you know? Whenever I need a fix, that's where I go: AM radio is the best for that.

Anonymous said...

As pathetic as it is, I find myself patching together a quilt work of scenes from You Tube. But it isn't live and that's nothing short of a loser. I'd call my congressman, or Wolf Blitzer or something.

Anonymous said...

You've received an award!

Alex L said...

I don't want to advocate violence, but I'd punch someone, some one important... Caty Couric maybe, that should fix these digital shenanigans, your suffering from.

LOBO said...

David: The FCC got 300,000 calls that day.

-That's my personal best. I only got 270,000 calls in for Sanjaya.

Sue: You say that now, but I doubt Little Joe could carry a Speedo.

Reforming Geek: I would, but I'll bet this "analog" thing has cost her half of her audience.

Mom: Funny you should mention this ... I think podcasts are in the not-too-distant future for Predator Press. Stay Tuned.

Unfinished Rambler: I'm actually an AM radio head -I love straight news.

Unfortunately this is California. "Straight News" is about color-coordinating your lawn furniture.

Lunatron: Toying with a follow up post. Like cable and whatever is $40, but Predator Press buys an analog satellite and will broadcast for $35.99.

(Still brewing)

Midleah: Thank you! Love it. My only concern is the line "They are not interested in self-aggrandizement."

But being the only blogger fifty feet tall in that list, I can appreciate the oversight.

Alex: Isn't Couric the one that had the rectal exam? I would have to work my way up to that level of toughness.

Who is playing 'Little Orphan Annie' on Broadway right now?

Anonymous said...

Still unemployed huh?