
Showing posts with the label star wars

Let's "Nerd" for a Second

Trollar Opposite (GoFuckYourself.exe)

Black Knight Satellite

Behind the Scenes: Nyota Uhura

Edward Snowden Leaks ULTIMATE "Making of Star Wars, Original Trilogy" To Kim Kardashian's Baby

A Long Time Ago On An Armchair Far, Far Away ...

What If Ed Wood Made Star Wars?

Predator Press got a BETTER Sponsor. FUCK YOU, Nike

One Billion Brain-Eating Amoebas Can't be Wrong

If this is a Consular Ship, Where is the Ambassador?


Happy Mothers Day Princess Amadala

Don't Eat the Red Snow

Star Wars Deleted Scenes

Teenage George Lucas: The Lost Files

Roller Coaster

The Emperor's New Hos

George Lucas Weighs In On Swine Flu Vaccinations

Mattel Introduces PMS Barbie

I Will Kill You All