Predator Press
I got bored so fast, I daydreamed about smashing the thing.
"We need to meet corporate blah, blah, before corporate blah blah ..."
-Fucker has a USB charged self-stirring coffee cup.
Now that you are all caught up, I never liked this man.
And all that follows is inadmissible in court:
"His body parts were EVERYWHERE" I told the cops ... "Ihe blood splashed all over my hands!"
"Are you black?" he asks.
"No," I says. "I don't think so."
"Can you help us identify a suspect?" he replied, putting his gun away.
"Let me look around and touch everything."
I searched everything, ...SO many shovels, and goddamn those knives were sharp.
"There are a lot of items with bloody fingerprints in here." I conclude.
"Indeed," the cops replied, scratching their chins. "Ma'am ..."
"Wendy," she replies.
"You witnessed it all?
"No. I was trying to get blood and teeth out of LOBO's hair at the time."
"So you are his alibi?"
"No. I was trying to get blood and teeth out of his hair at the time."
"Was he ever black?"
"Like the Metallica Album?"
The cops put their notebooks away. "We don't need sarcasm, miss."
"I would argue you do," I yell from the back seat.
"LOBO probably killed him," Wendy shrugged.
"Ha!" I says, gnawing at my handcuffs. "Probably! This is a wrongful arrest when you consider all the reasonable doubt!"
"That is horrible for your teeth," the cops explain. "Are you black?"
"I don't think so" I says.
As the cops release my handcuffs, they add "There is no excuse for shoddy dental care."
"See?" Wendy demands.
"This is no time for facts," I says. "We have a crime to solve."