
Richard Marks

Predator Press


Mister Cheney, after 33 waterboardings I doubt Zubaydah is going to tell us anything at all. I recommend halting this procedure due to it's ineffectiveness.

-Also, Starbucks discontinued "Blended Lemonade" earlier this year.

Would you like to order something else?


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Holy crap... that IS serious!

Stephanie Barr said...

Like I'd buy lemonade at Starbucks. Blended lemonade? Blended with what? (Not coffee I hope).

This post reminds me of the movie Airplane where the flight attendants are telling the passengers all the horrible things going wrong - without anyone losing it - until they added, "Plus, we're out of coffee." Then, pandemonium.

LOBO said...

Jeff and Stephanie: have you guys ever seen that movie Canadian Bacon? I imagine the Bush Administration like that -all pompous, smug and reassuring on camera, completely detached from the realities of their decisions.

And it's our fault really: I remember not finding out about Rumsfeld's resignation until six hours after the fact because the headlines were preoccupied with Britney's divorce.

As George Carlin once remarked, "It's a great country, but it's a strange culture."

shyloh's poetry said...

I'll drink to that! CHEERS!!!

Stickman said...

Starbuck's discontinued the lemonade after they found out that the government, in an effort to work around a water boarding ban, began lemonade boarding people. Starbuck's wanted no part of that. They also now sell boarding free bottled water.

LOBO said...

shyloh: Why waterboard when you could have had all those Guantanamo Bay guys in dunk tanks and put 'em on tour? You know, the "Dunk Your Boss Or Whoever By Hitting the Bullseye" games you see at charities? People at $10 a throw could get some aggression out, and these guys spend weeks with no sleep getting dunked 24/7 until they cracked.

Stickman: I love the twisted-logic attempt to implicate Starbucks here and may run with this idea … sort of a “You Read It Here First!” expose. I have this mental image of 50,000 franchises simultaneously being burned to the ground, and like 100,000,000 furious yuppies wanderin’ around helplessly with caffeine headaches.

Stephanie Barr said...

I loved Canadian Bacon. Hilarious and frighteningly prescient.

Brent Diggs said...

I have also noticed the whole Canadian Bacon Connection.Could John Candy have faked his own death to launch this conspiracy?