
Snarquis de Sade

Predator Press


I know you all have seen this image in the past, but I wanted to update my screenshot on various services: this is my all-time favorite Photoshop –a pic originally spawned by my buddy Speedcat Hollydale. (You can see his original version by clicking the pic.)

For me, today is general blog maintenance: I’ve added a “Top Commenter” widget (see ”Pack Mentality,” right), and Twitter –although I’m not 100% on Twitter yet. While currently unfamiliar and purely experimental, please feel free to add me as a Twitter follower [@SnarquisDeSade] and I’ll return the favor.

-I don’t really foresee being able to devote a lot of time to Twitter, but at the very least I regard it as a handy little shorthand tool for keeping track of some of my favorite people.


LOBO said...

Crap ... two of these "services" don't seem to have the screenshot updates working anyway.


Ah well. "The best laid mice by men and plans."

(-or something like that)

Anonymous said...

Lobo, it will be good to see you over on Twitter. As for your comment over at my blog, I probably won't say anything more about Entrecard that Kathy of The Junk Drawer already hasn't said. In fact, for the most part, I'm going to be referring people to her post, because she said it so well.

Voting, I'm not up to my 10 yet. Rob mentioned in a forum that he'd change it to 20 if we asked politely, but so far, Sue Seese from Farvel Cargo and I asked and No go, yet. Off to vote for you, if I can. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and you must be crashing Twitter, because as of tonight they're having problems. Uh, what time did you join again? ;)

LOBO said...

Kathy put the whole EC thing best, didn't she? That was probably far more effective than me screaming "YOU @%!##^& JERKS!"

Actually I've mentioned he 10 votes thing to Diesel too. But I forgot to take my email preface off of "YOU @%!##^& JERKS," and he probably never read it.

Also, thanks for tipping me off on 'Twitter.' This whole time I thought they were screwing with me, and I've been sending "YOU @%!##^& JERKS" emails all day long.

And lastly, finally somebody commented today so I could see my "Top Commenter" widget (aka "Pack Mentality") doesn't work.

-Expect an email.


LOBO said...

Well, my "Top Comenters" widget has been moved to the bottom of my blog until I can figure out what is wrong. Maybe I gotta wait for it to "kick in" or something.

But rest assured I have sought assistance from the finest mind Earth has to offer -aka Speedcat Hollydale- and look forward to swift and ruthless resolution on the matter.

LOBO said...

I wonder if you need 10 commenters for the doohicky to work.

-In this case, I should be rolling it out officially in 2012.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Dear Predator Press Operator ... I very much like your Ecard.

I think I might also utilize this dynamic.

DYNOMITE !!!!!!!

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I also plan one holding number ONE spot in the Entrecard SUCKS Google prize.

LOBO said...

Have at it buddy ... and thanx for your HELP!!!


Speedcat Hollydale said...

no problem ... anytime

Stephanie Barr said...

I'm IN - woohoo.

Now I can retire know I had that one brief moment in the spotlight...

Alex L said...

Ha, whose the best of Lobos crazed internet Stalkers, thats right it's me... I think I need a social life

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I am now numero uno in the GOOGLE Entrecard sucks listings. YHAAAAAAAA !!!!

Stephanie Barr said...

Hey, lobo, I've enjoyed our interchanges so well, I gave you an award.

And, no, I'm not sucking up.

LOBO said...

Speedy: Congrats. I see today you have totally killed me on google. I'm really impressed. What made you turn on Entrecard? (Just curious)

Stephanie B: Indeed, you are now well-documented in a future history -a future history I will forge with my own two mighty hands!

-Science is awesome.

Alex: I'm cancelling the TRO. I owe you a beer! :)

Speedy: Seriously, what did Entretard do to make you wage war? I wouldn't mind documenting their BS here. Tell the future history -a future history I will forge with my own two mighty hands- exactly what pricks they are.

For posterity.

Stephanie B: Okie-Dokie. I will check it out after answering “mail.” Thanks!!!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

You've ALSO added that awesome Receders CD banner! Thanks for doing that, I mucho appreciate it.

LOBO said...

No problem Jeff ... :)