To All You Poor Rich People: WELCOME!
I heard Rush Limbaugh giving a speech today.
It’s safe to say it alarmed me a little. Not what he was actually saying … oh Christ no I’ve been tuning that guy out for years. But the fact that he is talking to people who are listening always gives me the heebie-jeebies.
The Obama camp is being besieged by a re-inspired Republican Party: the rationale is that Obama is supposedly leading us into a Socialist-type quagmire.
I’m not any political party.
And with that being said, I think the Republicans should shut the fuck up. You “Republicans” who rationalized George W. Bush –barely a mammal- for eight fucking years have the balls to wonder why the “Republican Party” leaves a bad taste in America’s mouth right now?
I suggest you guys reprioritize and go find yourself a candidate that can be, well, elected.
No mention of helping the country, just not stopping the other guys.
So yeah. Go Team America.