To All You Poor Rich People: WELCOME!

Predator Press


I heard Rush Limbaugh giving a speech today.

It’s safe to say it alarmed me a little. Not what he was actually saying … oh Christ no I’ve been tuning that guy out for years. But the fact that he is talking to people who are listening always gives me the heebie-jeebies.

The Obama camp is being besieged by a re-inspired Republican Party: the rationale is that Obama is supposedly leading us into a Socialist-type quagmire.

I’m not any political party.

And with that being said, I think the Republicans should shut the fuck up. You “Republicans” who rationalized George W. Bush –barely a mammal- for eight fucking years have the balls to wonder why the “Republican Party” leaves a bad taste in America’s mouth right now?


I suggest you guys reprioritize and go find yourself a candidate that can be, well, elected.



Anonymous said…
Here's what gets me. In a recent interview, Limbaugh attacked the top Republican (how do you get that job? Does it involve a fight to the death?) of "not doing his best to stop the Democrats", or something to that extent.

No mention of helping the country, just not stopping the other guys.

So yeah. Go Team America.
Alex L said…
I don't think being elected is that important. More people probably listen to Limbaugh than any politician.
Kim said…
To the author...what a dumb Fuck you are! Limbaugh has 20 million plus listeners! You obviously seethe with anger...poor, poor boy!

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