Too Many Secrets

Predator Press


When unfairly cursed by fame such as I have, one must take precautions when going into public.

-Luckily, Predator Press scienticians have devised a series of subtle prosthetics that I may use to walk amongst you undetected –that I may slide “under the radar” so to speak, and drink in the real Americana that most fabulously rich and successful celebrities such as myself often never see.

And it’s true: mine is, as far as I know, the first case in human medical history of actually having sprained his pupils contracting due to sunlight exposure ... but I have been assured this condition is quite temporary, and curable by physical therapy consisting of gradually-increasing increments of the ultraviolet spectrum.

Once this adaptive process is complete, I will be prowling around unobserved and writing stories about “Regular Joes.”

But it might take me a few weeks.

-The television gave me a sunburn.


I do not think those weights are real ... and where is the blogging hamster ???
LOBO said…
For those of you not gifted with the radiant braniosity that Speedy and I share, I've been blogging for days using a Gilligan's Island-style stationary bicycle hooked up to a generator in commemoration of "Earth Day."

You're welcome, Earth.

Me-Me King said…
Ah, so it's a rippling, bulging body suit - how clever!
Stickman said…
Fact...Abraham Lincoln's favorite sport was wrestling.
Tiggy said…
You don't really want to walk around with the common people do you? They are most peculiar.

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