Predator Press
It can't be true.
It just can't.
... It's been almost two weeks since I've tried to infuriate It's a Funny Thing's brilliant author Don Lewis!
Long ago, I concluded that the internet is utterly useless aside from infuriating Don Lewis.
I've sought high and low for some decent SEOs so my search engines are optimized.
And how I yearn for the remotest hope of penis enlargement.
Please don't get me started on the futility of finding porn.
Will no one reveal to me the secrets of Internet Marketing or Making Money Online?
Doesn't anyone accept VISA Platinum anymore?
All there is is Don.
Don Lewis.
Even as I type this, the sole recipient of the Predator Press Temporary Lifetime Achievement Award is probably all tucked in, sleeping soundly, and thinking of genuinely funny and unique crap ... crap that will doubtlessly distract countless blog readers from the wholesome Wisdom, Purity, Hope and Truth which Predator Press strives only to promote.
Well, I won't stand for it.
Not for a second.
Not even for a nanosecond.
In a fit of jealousy, I'm stripping Don of his monopoly on the coveted and highly sought-after honor that I will one day actually create: the Predator Press Lifetime Achievement Award.
Today, the subtle and unobtrusive Predator Press Temporary Lifetime Achievement Award -currently recognized as the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval- is being bestowed upon the following blogs as well:
.45 Caliber Headspace
Angry Seafood
Average Dudes
Bee's Musings
Blogs We Luv
From the Roads
Lord Likely
My Interesting Files
Speedcat Hollydale
The Cult of Qelqoth
The Offended Blogger
The Ominous Comma
The Skwib
When Things Get Dark
-:¦:-•:*'""* -:¦:- NICE -:¦:- WORK -:¦:- *'""*:•.-:¦:-
Now "Don Lewis" -if in fact that is your real name- every time you surf the funniest sites on the internet, you will see your own award prominently displayed smack on every one of them!
Eat Humor Blogs. Poop kittens.
It can't be true.
It just can't.
... It's been almost two weeks since I've tried to infuriate It's a Funny Thing's brilliant author Don Lewis!
Long ago, I concluded that the internet is utterly useless aside from infuriating Don Lewis.
I've sought high and low for some decent SEOs so my search engines are optimized.
And how I yearn for the remotest hope of penis enlargement.
Please don't get me started on the futility of finding porn.
Will no one reveal to me the secrets of Internet Marketing or Making Money Online?
Doesn't anyone accept VISA Platinum anymore?
All there is is Don.
Don Lewis.
Even as I type this, the sole recipient of the Predator Press Temporary Lifetime Achievement Award is probably all tucked in, sleeping soundly, and thinking of genuinely funny and unique crap ... crap that will doubtlessly distract countless blog readers from the wholesome Wisdom, Purity, Hope and Truth which Predator Press strives only to promote.
Well, I won't stand for it.
Not for a second.
Not even for a nanosecond.
In a fit of jealousy, I'm stripping Don of his monopoly on the coveted and highly sought-after honor that I will one day actually create: the Predator Press Lifetime Achievement Award.
Today, the subtle and unobtrusive Predator Press Temporary Lifetime Achievement Award -currently recognized as the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval- is being bestowed upon the following blogs as well:
.45 Caliber Headspace
Angry Seafood
Average Dudes
Bee's Musings
Blogs We Luv
From the Roads
Lord Likely
My Interesting Files
Speedcat Hollydale
The Cult of Qelqoth
The Offended Blogger
The Ominous Comma
The Skwib
When Things Get Dark
-:¦:-•:*'""* -:¦:- NICE -:¦:- WORK -:¦:- *'""*:•.-:¦:-
Now "Don Lewis" -if in fact that is your real name- every time you surf the funniest sites on the internet, you will see your own award prominently displayed smack on every one of them!
I had my lawyers look at the fine print and they have a problem with this part:
Not valid unless placed on title page of blog, over, near, or in place of your respective banner. Or tattooed."
Hmmmm... tricky son of gun aren't ya'!
I think I may cry. :)
but I am not going for the tattoo..thing..but I do wish I was spanked by cathouse Teri..I didn't see that in the fine print...:)))
With all of your "Ecard" points, you WILL BE RICH! Sell them to Donny.
However, I will link back to this post in my next post and thank you for the thought.
Oh. And you spelt my username wrong again. ;)
... Or how about "The Cult of Joe"?
Thank you so much!
No way, lol. I'd never be able to point out your typos that way! ;)
I just want to wrap up this acceptance speech by saying I hope my upkeep of my apartment lives up to the award.
Thanks for the award too.
This was better than death. Let me tell you. Everyone should try it.
Meanwhile, as the bird tossed seed across the room trying to get my attention, and the cat barfed up a hairball, I clicked on over to predatorlandia, and lo n' behold, to my surprise and amusement, there I was, listed as a recipient of a most prestigious award.
Temporary or not, for me to get any kind of good housekeeping award (whether the real McDeal or the fake about-to-be-sued kind) as I swim in unrelenting dirt, is the bestest thang I can imagine.
I bow to you and will dance at your next wedding, or funeral, whichever comes first, or last.