Full Immersion

Predator Press


I have come into possession of my very first deep fryer.


I started small. You know, french fries, mushrooms, that sort of thing.

But soon my habit blossomed.

Within hours, I was deep-frying an entire 16 oz block of cheddar.

And then a bucket of fried chicken.

Sure enough, this turned out to be what the cops refer to as the "gateway appliance": soon I was deep-frying a carelessly unattended pair of Oakley sunglasses, coffee grounds, an iPod, the entire first season of Spongebob Squarepants on VHS, and somewhere around four pillowcases.

LadyTerri calls it "cheating on my diet".

I call it science.

I had to explain all this to the Mattress Police.


Anonymous said…
There is simply no denying the fact that EVERYTHING tastes better when deep-fried.

I highly recommend trying some Oreo Doublestuffs and Ding Dongs (or Ring Dings per locality).

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