Predator Press Whores First Ads Starting Monday

Predator Press


I'm proud to announce that Predator Press has finally found a hard-working, decent American company with a fantastic product that is willing to frequently fist us lots of money for talking about it.

The contracts are being signed first thing Monday, and the HTML buttons and widgets that you people will need should be available shortly thereafter (assuming this fat advance check doesn't bounce).

While I can't profitably talk about it yet, I can say it's a top-secret new technology that makes your Windows 95 desktop look like Windows Vista at the paultry price of $19.99 a month.

To be honest, I haven't tried it yet. I started the installation process Wednesday, and it's still downloading. Plus I hadda do a few upgrades because it requires 975 megabytes of hard drive space and two gigs of ram. And a video card and a monitor with video ram. And a new motherboard.

... But they're telling me it's really slick, and the ads all have scantily-clad women in them.


Well, you've certainly perked MY interest! Looking forward to checkin' thing out.

Runs Amuck said…
Cool. Can I get one?

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