
FEMA Isn't Racist, Just Lazy

Predator Press


Ethan says, "Go cover the story in California."

I figure cool right? Nice mild weather, tanned chicks in bikinis, sushi, and being harangued by anti-smoking laws. Bob Gucionne Jr just gave me $50 of blow money minus the shipping costs too; I figure I'm going to go see my "Brokeback Mountain Troll" script being planned by Miramax in style.

Well, it turns out that California is on fire.

I can't believe the sheer irony of my huge story being ruined by California being on fire.

Where the fuck are all the firemen, you hippies!?

1 comment:

Runs Amuck said...

My Brother, let me know when your script is approved and the filming work begins. I'll buy a few hundred advance tickets. ANYTHING you create, I'll go for.
Just am not so sure about the "brokeback mountain" part.
The "troll" part I am ok with, however. Reminds me of an old girlfriend.