The Predator Press IQ Test
Predator Press
The worst economy in the world is associated with:
a) Calcutta
b) California
c) Entrecard
Who loves the most people?
a) Oprah
b) Jesus
c) David Letterman
a) 3
b) 5
c) Playing Pictionary with our geeky, jackass neighbors who never bring food, and don’t know **** about ****.
“End of Second Quarter” is another term for:
a) Halftime
b) Twenty-five cents
c) Oh holy crap I hope there’s nobody in the bathroom
If a black hole the size of Manhattan appeared in Pennsylvania:
a) The ACLU would sue it for defamation
b) The price of #2 pennsyils would skyrocket
c) Jon Gosselin has hope for new realty TV series
See? ALL Predator Press readers are GENIUSES
(Except for guys named 'Travis.' I hate those jerks! Know why King Travis the Second never conquered Rome? 'Cus there never was no King Travis -First, Second or Third: it's a name we just made up, like, twenty years ago! If you're going to bother making up names, try something with cajones .... like 'Chainsaw' or something. Unless you're a guy. If you're a guy, go for 'Todd.')
The worst economy in the world is associated with:
a) Calcutta
b) California
c) Entrecard
Who loves the most people?
a) Oprah
b) Jesus
c) David Letterman
a) 3
b) 5
c) Playing Pictionary with our geeky, jackass neighbors who never bring food, and don’t know **** about ****.
“End of Second Quarter” is another term for:
a) Halftime
b) Twenty-five cents
c) Oh holy crap I hope there’s nobody in the bathroom
If a black hole the size of Manhattan appeared in Pennsylvania:
a) The ACLU would sue it for defamation
b) The price of #2 pennsyils would skyrocket
c) Jon Gosselin has hope for new realty TV series
See? ALL Predator Press readers are GENIUSES
(Except for guys named 'Travis.' I hate those jerks! Know why King Travis the Second never conquered Rome? 'Cus there never was no King Travis -First, Second or Third: it's a name we just made up, like, twenty years ago! If you're going to bother making up names, try something with cajones .... like 'Chainsaw' or something. Unless you're a guy. If you're a guy, go for 'Todd.')
Because Big Brother told me so.
...and that black hole in Pennsylvania already has appeared. I'm living in it. ;)