
Predator Press


I’m both puzzled and alarmed at the media distress over Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

First, it seems to me that a sitting American president getting one could only be a good thing in regard to global politics and the "world stage."

Second, who cares? Unless you were another nominee and screwed out of yours, I don't see this as much more than pointless whining and pining about something that has nothing to do with you anyway.

And didn't two American win Peace Prizes in economics this year? Haha -anyone upset over something 'Noble' isn't even spelled correctly on needs a nap.

But fret not! When you wake up, there's this cool place you can go to called a "trophy store" and buy a correctly-spelled Peace Prize. Or anything really! For less that a hundred bucks you can get a spiff one waaaaay bigger'n Obama's, and get it engraved with something cool like "2009 Superbowl MVP" too.

Besides, having the "But I've got a Peace Prize" phrase in your chamber is fantastic against counter arguments: case closed, end of debate, nothing torpedoes logic more effectively. So relax. I'm sure this White House -as would any other- will be putting that baby to good use almost immediately. I myself have three or four Peace Prizes for precisely this reason.

-And that isn't counting the one I sent back when the delivery guys scratched it on the ceiling fan either: once my “Just for Bein’ Kickass” Peace Prize is replaced, I think I'll have five.

But that one is my favorite.

I'm golfing on that one.


SandraJ said…
Finally, a voice of reason amidst a bunch of hysterical gasping!

I totally agree, this award could do a lot for our country... and since "we the people" have nothing to do with it, why should it matter what we care? It's none of our business who they give that award to!!!
I have one for improving the profile of Sloth. I am working on the other deadly sins one at a time.
Stephanie Barr said…
Personally, I think the Peace Prize was as much for all America as Obama for no longer acting like the neighborhood bully to the rest of the world. We elected him with that in mind and the selection committee was giving us kudos (and slamming Bushies) for making a significant and overdue change.

Just my opinion.
Chelle Blögger said…
I am not jealous, I am ouraged. My entire dream was shattered!
Unknown said…
I nominated him myself for this Peace Prize because I enjoyed the wonderful silver dollar with the colorful Obama sticker that I got for the low price of $49.95

I personally refuse to vote for anyone that triggers my spell-checker, but that's just me.

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