I've Already Repented, So God And I Are Cool On This

I’m a news junkie I guess. While surfing, I’ll have my television running CNN or MSNBC or whatever in the background, and news ticker widgets a go-go feeding me “headlines.”
And I would like to think the only reason I even heard Miss California Carrie Prejean’s remarks on same-sex marriage is because it’s kind of a “local story.”
But here I am.
In short, during the course of the Miss USA pageant she was asked her opinion and –oops- she gave it.
While I didn’t agree with her, it wasn’t some frothing hostile rant. Frankly, considering the -ahem- "forum," it was well-articulated. It was the kind of thing you might hear and shrug, “Well, I don’t think anyone is going to be changing her mind on it soon,” and that would be that.

But while disagreeing with what she said, I think -eh- editorials like Perez Hilton's aren't warranted. (-And wow has Hilton let herself go since "The Simple Life." Woof!) Still, the subsequent national freak out does intrigue me: it would appear this issue won't be back-burnered for much longer.
People are getting pissed.
So why do people oppose same sex marriage? Is it homophobia? What exactly are these so-called “straight” people so afraid of? Do they think well-catered Oscars parties will just spontaneously explode in their newly redecorated living rooms?

But why should the Government care what sex you are? -Especially one so deeply ensconced in nifty buzzwords like “Freedom”?
I wouldn't be so blunt, but the Religious Right treats these people like livestock: we should take the gender questions off of marriage licenses so the churches can go fight their own battles. Let's give the issue back to the people maintaining “Liberty” from of one side of their mouths and supporting persecution from the other.
-This isn't my problem, Miss Prejean.
It's yours.
KWA: I have no problem telling the insurance companies to go %!@% themselves and figure this out.
I never could understand why the government would be opposed...isn't this just another opportunity to tax people?
Stickman: This is a Civil Rights issue by definition.
-And if you want me to stop checkin' out yer goodies, don't get all tarted up like that!
Churchs can do whatever they like (and generally do).
We have real problems to solve and making sure all "couples" are boy-girl seems like it shouldn't even be on the list, EVEN if I thought there was a problem. And I don't see acknowledging people's love for each other does anyone any harm (and does, conversely, some good).
Wait, should I have said something snarky like I couldn't care less what Miss California thinks? Nah, you put it better than I would have.
And if you think about it, this isn't really about same-sex marriage ... this is about getting our government out of fights it doesn't have any business fighting.
I'm really glad you guys reading are so "Enlightened!" :)
How he got that job in the first place I'm sure was a matter of hype and publicity, and it only served to sabotage his purported efforts.
Do they think well-catered Oscars parties will just spontaneously explode in their newly redecorated living rooms?*snort*
-Oh wait. We don't.
Sorry, my mistake.