
Eye Candy

Predator Press


A recent post I did plugging Steam Powered Rings has resulted in a genuine interest in an art, eh, "motif" called Steampunk.

I really dig this stuff. Indeed, I’ve considered working the theme into Predator Press.

Exploring this possibility, I Googled some images -and some of them just leapt off of the screen.

There's something about the sheer inventive elegance and the retro-campy feel that appeals to me.

-And like this blog, it's irresponsibly impractical and utterly useless.

I’m using these pictures without permission, but you can click on them to go to the respective sites. I highly recommend checking them out if you have a few minutes: all three of them are fantastic.[1]

This concludes our "art" lesson today.

-Tomorrow I'll be over it, and back to my pornographic Skittles mosaics.

[1]See also: Skwib, The


Da Old Man said...

As usual, Predator Press is my go to source for all that is hot in faux retro.

LOBO said...

Terri equated it to leopard spotted and zebra-striped Spandex.

-To which I responded, "I know. I love it too!"

Catherinette Rings said...

Awesome items , i have been dreaming about that guitar ! Thanks

LOBO said...

I think the attention to detail can be amazing. The top left photo has nice big prominent Phillip's head screws in it.

-Nice touch!

Unknown said...

You can't make this blog any classier than it already is. It's so classy people want to stael it. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Retro-camp. What a great description. Every time I try and explain steampunk to somebody, I'm at a loss for words. And as usual, in addition to unrelenting humor and wishful porn, you supply an abundance of useful and elegant words.

Harrison said...

Neat photos! I like the guitar.

LOBO said...

EttaRose: "Classy?" lol ... now I've heard everything.

-I think it'll be awhile before aluminum foil get's it's big break in high fashion. But when it does, I'll be way ahead of the curve ...

OMyWord: It's pretty cool stuff. The pictures lead to links with interesting articles (I'm "new on the scene" so I'll leave the nut's n bolts commentary to others).

Still, I really like it. One day soon I might give Predator Press a facelift and try to incorporate it ... I just haven't figured out how yet.

Harrison: Yeah. That guitar in particular is quite an eyeful –it was probably the central inspiration to this rather uncharacteristically non-humorous post. Funny I thought this was risky, but it seems semi well-received. I think maybe I’ll be “loosening up” a little on my topics.

-But as I mentioned, these images aren’t mine. Click on them for the source sites.

Thanks all!