268 Days

Predator Press


With only two hundred and sixty eight or so shopping days left, those showing even the slightest hint of radiant braniosity are already gearing up for the Holiday Season. Indeed, I’m so far “ahead of the game” so to speak my Christmas decorations are already up! (The tree is looking a little spindly, but look around you: trees are everywhere. They’re a tougher breed than you might suspect.)

The reason this is now crucial is two hundred and sixty eight or so days is roughly nine months –almost exactly the gestation (incubation?) period of an average human baby. Without planning ahead, instead of buying dozens of copies of Danger Couch! and the Tinsel of Doom [reviewed here] to distribute amongst your loved ones, you could be embroiled in a screamy, messy childbirth.

Nobody wants that. And have you seen some of the baby pictures out here on the blogosphere? -Yeesh!

I have it on good authority that typical babies are loud, destructive, often smell funny, and are [*shiver*] virulent disease carriers. Seriously. Mumps, measles, cholera -okay I’m freakin’ myself out here, but you get the point, right? No babies could ever provide love, laughter and joy comparable to a single copy of DC!ATTOD. Puppies –eh- maybe, but not babies.

-And babies cost, like, hundreds of dollars whereas DC!ATTOD is a mere fifteen! Heck at that price, you could by a copy of DC!ATTOD, a Danger Couch! t-shirt and probably two or three puppies.

-So act now, keep your pants up in the meantime, and have a Happy Holiday Season.


Stephanie B said…
Tsk Tsk! There's more than one way to preclude having a baby if you don't want one (I know you didn't mean MY baby when you said Yeesh to the pictures).

The real question I have is how does shopping early preclude pregnancy? I mean, if it's a viable method of birth control, I know some women who will be all over that.
LOBO said…
Predator Press readers tend to have cute babies. But the rest of them? Blech.

-And it's hard to conceive weaving in and out of isles and checkout counters. Not impossible per se, but very tricky.
Stickman said…
Nobody wants a baby for Christmas. Trust me, I know! I took one to work for the White Elephant gift exchange last year, and that thing got traded off more than anything. No one wanted it. We ended up just throwing it out in the dumpster.
LOBO said…

What? You couldn't tie it into someone's Prom?

(Eh god ... I can already tell I don't like the way these comments are going ...)
Anonymous said…
Awesome purchasing advice.
Angry Max said…
I have a feeling your entire post is an elaborate ruse to get me to plan ahead. What you, in league with my mom?
Me-Me King said…
Although I appreciate your suggestion for shopping early, I have to wait until Christmas Eve before entertaining such thoughts. I shop much better under pressure - it really gets my heart pumping as I try to beat the clock.
Brent Diggs said…
I'll take two. Thank your for your plugage, your linkage, and even your transmission.

In fact you can consider your entire powertrain as having my gratitude.

Of course if that's not enough, I do have several children I could donate to your cause.

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