
Corn Hole

Predator Press


The long and winding hitchhike home from Hollywood to beloved Pianosa has really inhibited my ability to blog.

For instance, last week a famous Disney entertainer created huge controversy when risqué, sexually charge photographs of her were released in spite of her widely-adolescent target audience.

I only caught the tail end of the story on the radio, but I immediately knew who the story was about ... and all I can say is it's about time that filthy whore was exposed for the tramp she really is.

I'm staring out the window, slackjawed at Kansas.

Utterly revolted.

What is with all these farms?

For the woeful few of you that haven't been reading Predator Press since inception, you should know that I regard the 'American Farmer' as the most lazy, worthless, ignoble and unpatriotic occupation known to humankind: all they do is hog immense amounts of land, obstruct much-needed superhighways and airports, provide an occasional vehicle for Pauly Shore movies, and grow the most gruesome looking flowers I've ever seen.

One merely has to glance at a "farm" in America to witness hideous evil and atrocity. I mean how much inbreeding has to take place before you get a dog that looks like this monstrosity?

Unspeakable perverted acts are being committed on millions of cows by farmers even as I write this.

Unlike It's a Funny Thing's author Don Lewis, I regard farming as an abomination: I buy my food straight from the grocery store exactly as God intended.

Crops grow better after a healthy dose of PULSAR FUSION.


Bee said...

To be honest with you, I'm surprised it was Minnie. I always thought Daisy Duck was the hoochie. I mean, her name rhymes with... luck.

robkroese said...

That creature is an abomination. And I don't much care for Mickey either.

Simon Jester said...

Just so you know LOBO, all that food in the store came from the fields.

And we farmers pee on all of it before we ship it out.

Anonymous said...

The only good things that farmers raise are daughters.

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

Farms, terrifying as they are---we gotta remember----Superman was raised on one------now THATS Scary.
