good always overpowered the evil
of all man's sins. But in time, the nations grew weak and ...
[... Wait. That's the wrong preamble. Here goes:]
Episode IVXI
The galaxy is in turmoil.
Some bunch of guys are pissed at a
bunch of other guys, and we'll write some excuse for
it in a subsequent prequel; please buy the merchandise in the meantime.
Yeah today, I was possitively brimming with story ideas.
I mean, on the one hand I got America's Princess Britney Spears havin another meltdown. And on another, I learned that we have a potential President named Mitt Romney ... and say what you will about politics and crap, but 'Romney' sounds like the name of a guy that can get shit done. I can see the headlines now: "Romney Wastes Purse-Snatcher with Steel Girder", or "Mitt Saves Kittens from Fire".
But no. Instead I gotta address a social and professional faux-pau committed against Predator Press that just might destroy the fabric of space and time as we know it.
Now, when we bloggers submit our blogs for review, there's a tacit sort of unwritten translation that means, "Hey, I'm inviting you to wax enthusiastically about my stuff," right?
Well Humor-Blogs.com just missed that boat entirely; not only did they not include the word "genius" at least three times --the industry standard-- but they didn't even say it once.
I know! Can you believe it? In fact, they said stuff like "Just not my cup of tea. Clean site, good graphics, but too far out even for me. There's some funny things in there, but the whole psycho-punk stuff just weirds me out and I wanna hurl everytime I see it. Just the thought of it makes me vomit dangerous colorful projectiles."
[I added that red text, but I think it captured the mood better than that plain old period.]
One reviewer really struck home, however. He [or she] said: "The blog itself is very plain. Uninteresting looking ... without the pictures the black text on white background reads a little sterile"
This reviewer is the only one I've asked the ninja assassins to spare; I mean it's entirely possible that Predator Press needs some sprucing up, right? Deeply committed to rectifying this optical blogging atrocity, I've been sifting around the internet to find a new background.
I've narrowed it down to:

too much of flapjacks and blood.

[Vote Romney!]
Well, all I can say is pah, tish and harrumph! Those fools clearly did not see your true genius.
It was not for nothing that I gave you one of my 'special awards'...which only today I have also awarded to Lady Terri, in the hope it might settle all domestic arguments about who is the best.
Now, you are equal again. HURRAH!
You've been tagged!... :) http://sfgirl-thealiennextdoor.blogspot.com/2007/12/linky-love-train-meme.html
Ach! i fiking kiil thios humor-blog infidels! i fiking rip out they iceholes! They no unerdstan fiking genis!
Abduh comeek teroirist
I'm sorry that no one appreciated your ingenious display of humor-geniusing geniushood.
Good use of color, though.
I'm voting for the goth cat in the hat look myself.
A excellent satire exploring the mysterious digital Black Holes in the Blogosphere!
Perhaps, the Humor-Blog.com reviewers escaped from a Black Hole of an alternate digital Universe? ;))
Thanks to OpenID issues, my true virtual signature link is:
You raise a very valid point, Lobo, regarding the faults of the Humor-Blog voting system. I've already addressed this to the moderator and here are my 2 cents:
It doesn't makes sense for people that think exploits with their vacuum cleaner are funny to be reviewing blogs about nuns with switchblades. To me, humor isn't about raising a slight guffaw or a roll of the eyes. It should punch you in the face and leave a mark.
A better system, then, would be to target voting to members that have selected the same primary category, so Church joke readers don't have an aneurysm when presented with Blue material to vote on.
"Not my Cup of Tea" is actually a very fair assessment under the current system. I've personally noted that my cup of tea has bourbon in it. I can't drink it "light and sweet". If I could, I'd watch Everybody Loves Raymond. If any more "light and sweet" is pushed on me, I may commit seppuku.
Sorry to rant, but I rally on your side.
Obviously some one needs to rammed by an aircraft carrier..they wouldn't miss that boat...(and it would get it out of my fishing pond)..I left humour - blogs long a go..it's a closed circuit...
I like that HB is there; frankly that's how I discovered some real gems like .45 and The Frog Blog. And I've picked up a few readers as well.
But this isn't really a blog as God intended blogs: this site is more of an experimental writing exercise coupled with primal screaming and bad music. These guys are in many cases already mainstream successes with perfectly valid opinions on what works. They were generous with their time, and I can't fault them for that. That review was honest, frank, and not entirely bad.
Perhaps, most importantly, I got a post out of it. Heehee. I love the idea of Predator Press getting reviewed and stepping back and going "Brevity? I'll show you brevity. How do you spell 'pthhhhbbbbbbbtttt'?"
[And PS: does anybody have any info on how the Blog Wars are going? Body counts? Anything?
... God this is a lousy war.]
I am very open minded and appreciate all kinds of humor. I think that your kind of humor is the kind that keeps us sane in an otherwise crazy world. It is nice to know that there are others out there that think these peculiar thoughts and live perfectly normal lives, ha ha! I am a new blogger and was initially afraid for people to read my thoughts for fear of being critized or possibly put under close watch! I am learning that this blogging stuff just might save the world!! I keep my blogging to a disguised sane level but underneath I think you ROCK!!!!
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