This Crack Me Up Long Time

Predator Press


Now I'm as guilty as anybody butcherin' our fine American grammar, punctuation and spelling good 'n proper.

-Perhaps doubly so, because "American" is my first and only language: if you laid all the English teachers and editors I've driven to suicide end-to-end, they would doubtlessly stretch to somewhere in the middle of New Mexico.

But in my defense, Predator Press, like GM, doesn't sell anything.

Besides, have you seen New Mexico lately? I'm sure they would welcome the companionship.

So Terri and I got a good laugh out of this:

"Finding Ease in Getting Number of Traffic Visitor in Our Site. Business is the need of every human being, especially to establish a life in a household, and also it can add business income from all of us. By doing a business we will have a lot of money, and also when a business has a lot of visitors, was able in making sure that the money generated will be abundant."

"Just what are they selling?" Terri giggles.

"I don't know," I says. "But it was $860 for three of them."


"Oh come on. When is the last time you saw something that hilarious? This will doubtlessly provide us with endless amusement."

Terri scowls. "I took your credit cards away months ago."

"Tell me about it," I says. "It wasn't easy to get them to take a check."


Stephanie Barr said…
But you completely freaked over losing your wedding ring and what Terrhi would think. Men! My respect for your wife increases daily.
The same guy wrote that who translates all the chinese menus to english.

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