"Dropping" Out
Predator Press
Yesterday, after logging into Entrecard for the first time in a few days, I received the following mind-blowing message:
-Boy did you guys manage to hit the wrong guy on the wrong day and in the wrong mood.
I use an increasingly rarified two-column template, so people can start reading immediately while the page loads below: if you look -minus a placard and my Playlist- Entrecard is the fourth from the top link out already. By virtue of this policy, Entrecard is essentially demanding to be my first link.
Now lemme explain first how Predator Press advertising works: you bring me traffic, copious amounts of amusement, or cash. Period. An frankly, according to Google Analytics, Entrecard currently sits poised to sink below AllTop -and I would be jazzed to move Guy Kawasaki's creation into Entrecard's slot.
Know why?
-Cuz he did this crazy weird thing I call earning Entrecard's slot.
Furthermore, Entrecard demanding to become my Number One link -even before this "Paid Advertiser" debacle- is statistically laughable; Entrecard has never warranted Number One status in any way, shape or form ever. As a matter of fact -now that I look- I'm thinking the Number Four spot Entrecard currently holds is far too generous!
In response to Entrecard's threat, I was tempted to rectify this "ranking error" (aka "Deep Six" this *ahem* service as appropriate) -but alas, unawares of ever-changing, eh, "standards"- I have already approved numerous Entrecard ads! (See for some, changing up the rules midstream when you have an existing agreement might be considered slightly, well, the word "Immoral" comes to mind.)
(See also: "Dishonest")
(-These buzzwords are loosely affiliated with something called "Integrity." Somebody at Entrecard should look that definition up first.)
Hopefully Entrecard will pull it’s head out of it’s keyster before it’s too late ... but just in case I no longer accept ads. I will, however, honor any ads already in cue.
If Entrecard decides to delete my account beforehand, please –by all means- raise hell for the refund you are entitled to.
I'll help.
-It'll be fun.
i noticed many blogs that put entrecard widgets right at the bottom...but tt has never been a problem before...
but now with the paid advertising...i suppose paying advertisers would have prob with that ;)
But (as evidenced from an email from Entrecard in response to request for clarification) the paid advertisers have different "Terms of Service." Entrecard's strength was in our ability to "drop" succesfully while surfing: now after one or two drops I invariably hit a dead end.
It would appear they have killed the Golden Goose.
-I sent them this idea yesterday, but the email was probably too riddled with curse words to be taken seriously.
-I'm glad I caught this before it got too out-of-hand ... it was almost a miracle I wasn't screwed entirely. As it is, I think I’ve only got about a month to bleed this out.
If they don't change very quickly, I won't be surprised to see them gone in weeks. They have pissed off that many loyal users.
Entrecard says: "We're very keen for any feedback you can give. Complaints about broken things, stuff you like, things you think are pretty or ugly, or even questions you'd like answered."
But if you send "Feedback," it says: "Thanks very much for getting in touch with us. If your message needs a reply we'll get back to you via your email address on this site as soon as possible."
-My apologies to the people still consorting with them, but I think they are slime. Based on this behavior, I cannot honor their commitments.
In the end the best way to grow readership is in real life. Find a local audience, then try and grow it to other places.
Like this weekend I have a college reunion, so I'm printing up business cards for my blog so I can hand them out.
Brett had a really good idea with Dr T at the Zombie march parade thing, another good example.
All that said I've been sticking with facebook. It's all friends and people I know and the traffic is better then even H-B and a front-page listing.
I'll definitely check out Facebook ... I'm just not sure how to remain anon on it.
-But maybe that idea's time has come and gone too.