Predator Press
Many beers.
Many, many beers.
-My memories kinda stab in in bright painful flashes. I vaguely remember making a game of yelling obscenities at the neighbors while peeing behind the shed –a concession we made to minimize tracking dirt in the house.
“Where’s Joe?” someone would ask.
-From behind the shed: “Kiss my ass you filthy butt-ugly rat-faced …!”
“Oh there he is.”
-And so it goes.
In spite of my initial dread the barbeque was mostly fun, marred only briefly by something enormous rudely crashing into me. It turned out to be the ground.
-I was in no condition to fight the entire Earth, but I intuitively knew the Earth was a pansy that would back down if properly challenged: we trash-talked each other for a few minutes, but things smoothed over fairly quickly.
This was the biggest social event I’ve attended since the welcoming party when Terri and I moved out here. Again there was a nice big bonfire. The weather was perfect, and air was thick with the delicious smells of one fabulous food after another.
I like these people too. On a whim, two of them blew in from Spokane.
-Picture a well-armed redneck ski patrol.
"You’re mama is so fat, ... !"
Maintaining a good stream of obscenities while, eh, “marking your territory” isn’t as easy as it sounds. Still I highly recommend it. It’s cathartic.
“You should try it,” I explained to Terri.
She glowered.
So it was a good July 4th celebration? What... what do you mean the time difference isnt that big?
What good is a gun if you cannot fire at some interesting targets ehh ??? (like barns and snow)
ha haaaaa !!!!!!!
That damn ground owes me an apology too! I hear ya, brother...
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