Lee Majors Endorses $14.95 "Bionic Ear"
Predator Press
Yes it's totally true.
There is now, in fact, a $14.95 Bionic Ear.
And I'm not even going to go into how pissed Steve Austin -astronaut- might have felt about being completely repaired for three easy payments of $39.95.
-I'm too jazzed to know I can now get cheap ears that can lift busses.

Yes it's totally true.
There is now, in fact, a $14.95 Bionic Ear.
And I'm not even going to go into how pissed Steve Austin -astronaut- might have felt about being completely repaired for three easy payments of $39.95.
-I'm too jazzed to know I can now get cheap ears that can lift busses.
6 million dollars doesn't go far now-a-days!
Diesel: lol! Still, I'll bet Steve is amazing at Guitar Heroes ...
Alex: I would hold out for the Bionic Nose. It's my understanding you can get a discount for multiple installations.
Just don't get that B.S. "Extended Service Warranty." It's crap.
Why do republicans love those who abuse others? Don't they care if their sons, daughters, spouses, mothers & fathers are swindled? Don't they think at all? When are they going to stop being ignorant, gullible pawns to right wing radio hosts and corrupt Fox News talking heads? Good grief right wing republicans are stupid.
1. We love it for the sheer thrill of the sport.
2. No, because we place bets on the outcomes in order to make obscene profits at the expense of others, whether we're related to the losers or not.
3. When you say, "think," it appears that you mean "excrete." (We excrete just like you do, except that you think that yours doesn't stink.)
4. We'll do that once we heat up the atmosphere to a uniform 72 degrees Fahrenheit worldwide; eliminate the polar bears so we can bbq baby seals in Greenland; force all women over 14 years old to be barefoot,pregnant, and in the kitchen cooking CORN-FED BEEF; and pave over every last wetland, rainforest and ecological habitat in the universe JUST because we be hatin' on the snail darter and don't want it to be in our way again.
Hope that clears things up. Now bring me a beer, Babs.
But can two people simultaneously wish everyone else was dead at the same time? Really? Wouldn't one, at some point, cancel the other out?
I think I know who that last "Anon" was anyway:
If you had an ounce of sense, you could plainly see, that the Government that delivered the "Compassion of the IRS, the Efficiency of the Post Office and Effectiveness of FEMA (Re: Katrina)"...quote from Frank I. Luntz, is totally impotent.
Were it not for the FREE Market, you probably would have never spewed your mothers milk in the first place!
I can only guess, but in view of your post, you are an Obama-maniac...probably in favor of his Socialist agenda,the HealthCare debacle, the do nothing 'Stimulus' (pork) bill, etc . But, I do have to admit Obama can talk the talk (he does surround himself with Marxist and others with the ideology that you must subscribe to).
Question: What has Obama accomplished in the 10 months he has been in office?
Answer: (I don't want to over work that 'Pea' brain of yours)...NOTHING, NADA, ZIP...ZERO.
(Oops, I could be wrong...he has brought back racism, he doesn't have any qualms what-so-ever with flashing the 'race card').
All you Left Wing Wackos need to go see how wonderful Socialism is...Go live in Cuba for a while, or maybe China (Communism). I know you are going to say 'Oh, he's one of those Love it or Leave it' Republicans...No I'm not a Republican, I am an American! I served my country, What have you done? Probably, not much...except maybe live off of your parent/s.
Go puff your dribble at moveon dot org, I'm sure you will be right at home there
Please post your experience with this product. I will be back in a week or so to read new posts.
Thank you.
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