
Just So You Know ...

Predator Press


Once again -at great expense to you- Predator Press scienticans have stepped up to answer the burning question on everyone's mind: What are the origins of the month of October?

"October" is a smooshed-together Latin word, combining 'octo' which means eight-armed and 'ber' which is short for bear that eats Greyhound busses and pagans.

The Latinos were a notoriously lazy people that abbreviated virtually everything they possibly could.


Anonymous said...

Sweet lord Shiva!

I think I'd better stop having peyote milkshakes for breakfast. That looks like an 8-armed bar.

Donnie said...

That's a picture of my ex-wife. No need to fret. She's a real tiger by nature...ho hum.

Anonymous said...

That bear still doesn't have enough arms and legs to keep from getting its ass kicked by Chuck Norris.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

OHHH CRA*!!!!!!!

That is the Chupacabra, man. I have seen that bastard chasing me chickens on da farm (back by dat coop thinggee)

P.L. Frederick said...

I'm enjoying the readings on your blog whilst eating canned split-pea soup. I removed the can surrounding me soup, firstlike.

P.L. Frederick said...

P.S. I didn't realize that about the Latinos. I learn so much perusing these posts.

Anonymous said...

This bear has NINE LEGS!!! Count them!!