Just So You Know ...

Predator Press


Once again -at great expense to you- Predator Press scienticans have stepped up to answer the burning question on everyone's mind: What are the origins of the month of October?

"October" is a smooshed-together Latin word, combining 'octo' which means eight-armed and 'ber' which is short for bear that eats Greyhound busses and pagans.

The Latinos were a notoriously lazy people that abbreviated virtually everything they possibly could.


Anonymous said…
Sweet lord Shiva!

I think I'd better stop having peyote milkshakes for breakfast. That looks like an 8-armed bar.
Donnie said…
That's a picture of my ex-wife. No need to fret. She's a real tiger by nature...ho hum.
Anonymous said…
That bear still doesn't have enough arms and legs to keep from getting its ass kicked by Chuck Norris.
OHHH CRA*!!!!!!!

That is the Chupacabra, man. I have seen that bastard chasing me chickens on da farm (back by dat coop thinggee)
P.L. Frederick said…
I'm enjoying the readings on your blog whilst eating canned split-pea soup. I removed the can surrounding me soup, firstlike.
P.L. Frederick said…
P.S. I didn't realize that about the Latinos. I learn so much perusing these posts.
Anonymous said…
This bear has NINE LEGS!!! Count them!!

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