Did I Eat This?
Predator Press
After three years, I finally got my RSS feed working.
I'm really impressed with myself.
I called my dad.
"Hey dad!" I says. "I got my RSS feed working!"
"What? Who is this?"
"Dad, it's me. LOBO."
"Very funny dad," I says chuckling. "We missed you at the wedding"
"What wedding?"
"I am married the fair LadyTerri."
"Oh man, she's hot."
"I know!" I says.
"Who is this really?"
"LOBO," I says. "Remember? You are undefeated at finding the most Easter eggs. I was the short one wearing the blindfold."
"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe your dad was the one hiding the Easter eggs in the first place?"
"You would get frustrated after a few hours, and from then on made us paint them white so they would be easier to spot," I reflect. "I found one on my Big Wheel yesterday."
"Well I wouldn't eat it. Look. I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong-"
"You used to drill us at 3:30 every morning in case of a zombie uprising."
"Zombie uprising? I'm sorry, but-"
"Unless it was Wednesday or Sunday. That's when we practiced for alien robot overlords."
"I have no idea what you are talking about. Say, are you calling me from a cell phone?"
"You don't remember bursting out from under my bed, banging a trash can and shining a flashlight into my eyes while zapping me with a cattle prod and screaming obscenities until I wet my pants? That's one of my fondest memories."
[audible sigh]
"You realize that alien robot overlords would be able to intercept these transmissions -if they really existed?"
"And that once they secured a foothold on Terra Firma, they would play back all these messages searching for possible insurgents? They would send Ragnarok the Colossus!"
"Or Thrang, the Human Rototiller!"
"-If they existed."
"How is Rex?"
"Yeah. We hadda put him down in 2005. He unmistakably had The Look."
"So Rex is gone? Who delivers your mail now?"
"I dunno. Some robot."
"How's mom?"
"Possible zombie."
"You know her. It's hard to tell. She's never been the same after the abduction."
"Yeah. Good luck getting her near a trailer park."
"I keep tellin' her the best way to kill aliens is with a tornado. But then she just gives me The Look."
"How about Aunt Phyllis?"
"Robot Zombie."
"She always was a social butterfly. It worked out really well for her ... she's a Class C."
"A stainless model?"
"Fusion powered. All chrome. She's really come a long way. And you should see how fast she can deal the cards at Euchre. Mom and her are still inseparable ... but if we have another incident at the children's petting zoo, I think they are going to call the cops."
"I can just imagine the bill for dry cleaning."
"Look. I gotta go. You take good care of that LadyTerri, okay?"
"I will dad."
"God she's hot."
"I know dad."
"And congratulations on that RSS feed thing. If you guys ever get down here to Capitol Hill, be sure and drop into my office."
"We will."
"And stay away from Humor Blogs. Those people are weird."
"I will. I love you, dad."
After three years, I finally got my RSS feed working.
I'm really impressed with myself.
I called my dad.
"Hey dad!" I says. "I got my RSS feed working!"
"What? Who is this?"
"Dad, it's me. LOBO."
"Very funny dad," I says chuckling. "We missed you at the wedding"
"What wedding?"
"I am married the fair LadyTerri."
"Oh man, she's hot."
"I know!" I says.
"Who is this really?"
"LOBO," I says. "Remember? You are undefeated at finding the most Easter eggs. I was the short one wearing the blindfold."
"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe your dad was the one hiding the Easter eggs in the first place?"
"You would get frustrated after a few hours, and from then on made us paint them white so they would be easier to spot," I reflect. "I found one on my Big Wheel yesterday."
"Well I wouldn't eat it. Look. I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong-"
"You used to drill us at 3:30 every morning in case of a zombie uprising."
"Zombie uprising? I'm sorry, but-"
"Unless it was Wednesday or Sunday. That's when we practiced for alien robot overlords."
"I have no idea what you are talking about. Say, are you calling me from a cell phone?"
"You don't remember bursting out from under my bed, banging a trash can and shining a flashlight into my eyes while zapping me with a cattle prod and screaming obscenities until I wet my pants? That's one of my fondest memories."
[audible sigh]
"You realize that alien robot overlords would be able to intercept these transmissions -if they really existed?"
"And that once they secured a foothold on Terra Firma, they would play back all these messages searching for possible insurgents? They would send Ragnarok the Colossus!"
"Or Thrang, the Human Rototiller!"
"-If they existed."
"How is Rex?"
"Yeah. We hadda put him down in 2005. He unmistakably had The Look."
"So Rex is gone? Who delivers your mail now?"
"I dunno. Some robot."
"How's mom?"
"Possible zombie."
"You know her. It's hard to tell. She's never been the same after the abduction."
"Yeah. Good luck getting her near a trailer park."
"I keep tellin' her the best way to kill aliens is with a tornado. But then she just gives me The Look."
"How about Aunt Phyllis?"
"Robot Zombie."
"She always was a social butterfly. It worked out really well for her ... she's a Class C."
"A stainless model?"
"Fusion powered. All chrome. She's really come a long way. And you should see how fast she can deal the cards at Euchre. Mom and her are still inseparable ... but if we have another incident at the children's petting zoo, I think they are going to call the cops."
"I can just imagine the bill for dry cleaning."
"Look. I gotta go. You take good care of that LadyTerri, okay?"
"I will dad."
"God she's hot."
"I know dad."
"And congratulations on that RSS feed thing. If you guys ever get down here to Capitol Hill, be sure and drop into my office."
"We will."
"And stay away from Humor Blogs. Those people are weird."
"I will. I love you, dad."
1) robots and zombies,
2) family, and
3) Ann Coulter.
(or some combination like, 'Undead Ann Coutler Briss android' ...)