Predator Press “Self-Centered Cosmology” Theory Rejected by Scientists, Wife

Predator Press



ericat said…
I had to tag this blog, it is too interesting to miss. I will just spoil it by writing more words but I must ask you to, please get the instructions on how to get out of being tagged on my site my cat blog
Kate Boddie said…
They are at Hot Topic on the emo side of the galaxy.
Anonymous said…
I refuse to think about where they are...If they can't show their face..then ET stay home..and actually I am a little right of where you pin pointed me I am at my Mom's..:)
Debbie Dolphin said…
Captain's Log, Stardate -315015.666

Captain Lobo to Mr. Lightness Chekov, please set a Alpha Omega course at Warp 9 before we get sucked into another Black Hole of the Romulan Reviewers in the Empire!

P.S. I couldn't resist comparing the compelling cosmology of "You Are Here (Where Are They?) to the recent digital Black Hole review!

Stardate -315015.666 is the Earth time: Sun, 06 Jan 2008 17:14:02 GMT

Thanks to OpenID issues, my true virtual signature link is:
jOolian said…
agahahahgaggahahh hahahaha hahaa
(Holy crap! There's jOolian! Where's he been hidin' out?)

HOW did I miss the wedding??? Belated congrats...& breast wishes.
XOXO to you both!

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