People are always asking me, "LOBO, after a mere four years, you've blossomed Predator Press into the colossal juggernaut of a blog it is today. What's your secret?"
I always tell them the same thing I tell both of our readers. It all boils down to two things: Awareness, Determination, and above all Discipline.
"A.D.D." for short.
See, what most people don't realize is that blogging about something is exactly the same as actually doing it. Here you can pretty much say anything and everything in full confidence that a preponderance of lack-of-evidence to the contrary is virtually everywhere. You know how I blogged about having lost both arms when I was shot down in the Battle of Leyte Gulf? Well now the U.S. Navy blogs about sending me disability checks. And remember how LadyTerri and I got married last week? The miracle of blogging transformed our wedding from this:

Into this:

Don't believe me? Ask any successful blogger to show you their "To Do" list. It will look something like:
7) give dog
8) make
And if all else fails, include some pornography.
Awareness, Deliberation, Humor, and above all Discipline
We don't have a White Castle!
(Plus, the pornography needs to be higher on the list.)
Congrats in the marriage thing. You must have a lot of hidden qualities because on the face of things, one would have to assume that Lady T is selling short.
Don: Thanks! And PS, we were looking to nuzzle and hold those sweet jugs of yours on our honeymoon, but were severely disappointed.
Don't play 'hard-to-get' ... break them babies out!