Many of us are painfully too aware of your lifestyle and thinly-veiled hostility to half of the human race. I strongly suspect this is closely linked to rather abrupt SPAM, outlining unsolicited details about your sexual appetites while oddly complaining about how much SPAM you get.
I'm sure there isn't a male blogger alive that isn't already 100% absolutely convinced that you would delight in freezing us with liquid nitrogen to slowly chip pieces off while dancing to Melissa Etheridge CDs ankle-deep in bloody slush, squishing your toes in the testosterone goo.
We love you too, but we love you less in the "stab-you-in-the-penis" way, and more in the "Just a girl that needs a good eight hours of sleep" way.
Take a deep breath.
... Count to ten ...
You do not know me very well do you woman hating lesophobic jerk. Have you read this:http://www.girlinshortshorts.blogspot.com/2007/03/male-bashing.html
I think men are great. I despise people like you.
had a problem getting here asshole--do you think maybe there might be something wrong with your servers?
I don't know I am just a stupid blond.
This is just stupid, dude. You characterize Becky as if she were a "typical" male-hating lesbian, and that's stupid on two counts. First, she ain't typical. (No one is, really.) Second, and more important, lesbians don't hate men. I know a number of gay women, and they're just people who are female and have a similar preference in intimate partners as myself. The level of hatred you describe is more likely to be found amongst the dancers in your favorite hetero strip club than amongst any random sampling of gay women. (Now before you get all snipey that you've been taken out of context, let me admit that's true, because I know nothing about any other history, just going by what I read right here. If the "satire" tag is a clue, it's pretty weak, admit it.)
Look, I said it.
I got sick of the SPAM, so I removed her from my "contacts" list. At least I have the common courtesy to keep my opinions HERE, and not launch them pretentiously all over my readers.
I was FOND of Becky's site. If you look carefully, I have even commented on it a few times. But I like to PICK when I get a dose of it. After three years of posting, wanna know how many times I've mass-mailed a message? ONCE. Because I hit 40,000 hits. (And she bitched about that!)
Moreover, I chose an attractive photo and linked her up so her audience can find her. Frankly, it could have been a lot worse; I never said "DON'T GO TO BECKY'S SITE: SHE HAS OPINIONS TOO!"
My advice to you is not to come here. This is exactly how people get themselves crushed under Pepsi machines over a losing a quarter. It's on my blog, and it is Predator Press Gospel. If Becky would have taken it in stride and laughed at herself --or simply ignored it-- this would have been OVER already. Hell, I'm flattered when people take the time out to 'spoof' me. But her freaking out, furiously denying she has any anger issues whatsoever, only added to the comedy.
I, an 'asshole', remain virtually unrepentant.
As always.
I am impressed. Like... wtf? And here I thought I had a monopoly on being the only unrepentent asshole in the blogosphere. But I still feel alone... she didn't call you a shaved pussy or misogynistic lesophobe or whatever. Still, yer an asshole, asshole!
Good exchange, dude.
Not a bad site, either.
Wh-oa that Becky, SPAM-ba-lam
Wh-oa that Becky, SPAM-ba-lam
She gonna scream like a child,
-you can hear it for a mile-
Still not beguiled?
Then she'll send it in a file
But if you disagree,
She'll never let you be
And if you're a 'he',
she'll rip off your teste
Wh-oa that Becky, SPAM-ba-lam
Wh-oa that Becky, SPAM-ba-lam ...
What a farce this is! Utterly hilarious exchanges.
She doesn't do herself any favours...but the funniest is claiming she has a minor in chemistry and then persists in calling you valaporic acid which doesn't exist! Even if you google it, it asks if you mean valproic acid.
And her goons can't get their Latin right, either - hahaha!
Looks like a good advertisment for Becky ...I've noticed her posts on other blogs like: "I hate spam!" - she's a pure spam ...she could be spam definition. She's a lesbian - it's OK but why to manifest it with offensive words - it won't do!
Regards! ;)
Oh, she just adedd an extra "a" tp "valporic" ;)
aaah... think I am finally catching on. Maybe I am the slowest cranky cat in the litterbox.
I still don't get the spanking part, but I definitely understand the ubercrank in her. I'd be cranky too if it appears that the show was about to be busted for its half-truths and outright lies.
Meaning, she's never been a prosecutor. I doubt she's ever been an attorney or elementary school teacher. I mean, seriously... someone with such a self-pity act in a classroom with little kids??
And don't even get me started on the "my daughter is in exile in Europe." Holy crap, the sh'ite is getting deep over there.
And what's up with the "my blog has been shut down" business? If it's been shut down, how's she able to post on a daily basis? It sure as hades weren't the US Marshalls at her door (FBI does that type of investigation), unless she's a fugitive at the federal level. But, had she actually been a prosecutor, she'd never make that bogus claim.
I love Becky's blog, but recently I've been wondering if she's been off the Meds Reservation.
She used to say interesting things, but now it been mostly You Tube links and random, non explained disasters.
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