I, Calculatron

Predator Press


The reason I failed the exam for my blogger license is ‘cuz they ask trick questions.

They ask you stuff like:

2 + 2 = ?

I mean come on!

It could just be two couples hanging out, right? I mean that’s open to a lot of interpretation. Now a question like:

2 X 2 = ?

-That’s obviously a 'fourgy'!


Anonymous said…
It's gotta be a fourgy...heheheh
Anonymous said…
We're supposed to have a license? OMG... I never even got my permit! Let me know if you see the blog police sniffing around in my neighborhood!
LOBO said…
We've been onto you and your nefarious acts for some time now.

Having confessed, and I'm forced to turn State’s Evidence and testify in your trial (and inevitable ruthless conviction, of course) as part of my plea-bargain.

I'm sorry! And you seemed so nice too!

Anonymous said…
Well, at least you apologized. Maybe they'll let me off with probation or something. I'll promise to stop writing about nasty smells in the office bathroom.
LOBO said…

... And for the record, it was the fajitas ...
Anonymous said…
You have earned a free scholarship a Blog-warts Academy for Bloggers. I am Blog
AAA Copywriter said…
2 + 2+ (1) = could be full hand, watch out your cards buddy! :)


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