
Spring Hopes Eternal

Predator Press


I venomously hate my lawn.

It's always arrogantly growing, like "Look LOBO, I'm a big green jerk and I'm screwing up your weekend 'cuz now you gotta mow! HAHAHAHA"

I want my lawn dead.

Every last blade.

I want a goddamn chloroform Holocaust.

I'll mow one last @#$!@$!! time, and leave the remains all scattered about as a warning to the other grass thinking about growing here.

Then I can lay down green linoleum, and just hose it off once a month ...


Kit B. said...

You could always be absolutely deviant and get some high quality bleach and spell a horrible message in your grass and kill it completely.

I, for one, prefer "I cheated on someone I said I loved."

And it definitely worked on his lawn.

Sniveling bastard.

Damn lawns.

LOBO said...

Oh, that's an automatic link!!!!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

At the garden centre, ask for concrete-seeds.

Anonymous said...

Swinging by from LadyTerri's site.. I do know what you mean, cuz I do feel that way when I have to mow my grass 2 to 3 times a week.. LOL

Anonymous said...

Evil lawn.