
Predator Press


My job and house-hunting have been keeping me very busy.

And today, I'm supposed to mow Mr Insanity's lawn in his absence.

But I have a sacred duty to you o loyal reader; thwarting the onslaught of the green menace must wait!

Shocked that some of you are still getting your news from irresponsible news sources like CNN and FOX rather than Predator Press, my main concern today is over the reporting of the afore mentioned mainstream media.

Often, it's what's not said that make up the most well-embraced and magnificent lies of our world. For example, the Lisa Stebic disappearance; this weekend, a story trickled out that an "unnamed source" had revealed that some of Lisa Stebic's blood had been found in her husband's vehicle. By Monday, the story was not surprisingly being reported as coming from "numerous sources".

The media, essentially, was citing itself.

In contrast, Predator Press never cites anybody.

In another example, yesterday I was pretending to read the newspaper, and there was an article about some someone trying to push legislation through to make it illegal to use horses for food.

Now personally, I maintain a strictly-disciplined vegan, vegetarian, meat, poultry and fish diet. Still, with the rare exception of horse de oeuvres, I don't eat horse.

A horse is a big animal.

A horse could kick your ass.

Plus they make lousy pets. It's hard to get an apartment when you have a pet horse. And housebreaking one? Ewe!

So I can only imagine this new legislation coming from extreme groups like "The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals", aka "PETA". We already agree that aside from glue and keeping blacksmiths on the Liberal Dole, the horse is a pretty damn useless animal overall, right? So where is PETA going with this? And isn't the demand for food essentially 'static'? I mean, if whoever is eating horses becomes forbidden to eat them, wouldn't they just move on to something else? Like puppies and baby seals?

You see here is where Predator Press becomes relevant. Augmented with my radiant braniosity, we've seen straight through the bull and uncovered what is quite possibly the biggest story this year to date:

PETA isn't interested in animals at all.

They want to kill plants.

While the explicit reason for PETA's well-documented anti-foliage conspiracy for murderous rampage isn't clear, this thinly-veiled cabal has been actively pursuing the decimation of the plant population for years now.

Looking out over Mr Insanity's overgrown yard, I'm considering making PETA a sizable donation ....


Anonymous said…
You seem to have come up with the perfect excuse for not mowing that lawn, haven't you?...

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