In Carnations

Predator Press


I went to visit Babs in the Pianosa Women's Correctional Facility on Saturday morning.

"Jesus Christ," I says into the telephone. "You look like shit."

"I will kill you," Babs smiles through the window.

"I didn't know that they facilitate bail only 9 to 5 Monday through Friday. It wasn't my fault I showed up at five thirty," I point out. "But seriously, you've completely let yourself go in here. You couldn't bother to at least put on some makeup? And what's the deal with the cornrows? And those fuzzy green tattoos on your knuckles? Who the hell is 'Fisty'?"

"Why are you here?"

"So's you know we're still pulling for you here on the outside. You'll be out first thing Monday. Hang in there."

Babs' shoulders sag in a silent resignation.

"I may not be able to get you out of here, but I did do something nice for you. Make sure you're watching channel 6 tonight in the rec room at 5 o'clock.


"Just trust me," he says. "Remember how you cried when you saw on the news all those kids got killed on Prom Night in a car accident?"

"I'm actually surprised you remember that," Babs says, intrigued, studying me closely.

"Well, I think you could use some good PR for a change, and this time it shouldn't only come from the United States Navy."


I don't know what happened.

All I know is Babs got into six fights Saturday night, and her bail is now $500,000.

Ethan only authorized $60.

You know, I really thought the 'Kars Kill Kids' fundraising commercials funded by the Babs Foundation would cheer her up.

But six fights in one night?

That's some serious 'Aggression Issues' at play there.

Maybe she should be in prison.


LadyTerri said…
oh LOBO I feel sorry for you when she gets out lol!
Anonymous said…
She sounds like one mean ass woman!! any woman that has a tattoo all the way across her knuckles that says Fisty, Stay away from lol
Wasted said…
Corn Rows lmfao!! she is hard core now buddy. cant wait to see what happens next! later
Anonymous said…
been there done that jail stunt, you should send her some money so she can buy some makeup! but then again she may have more then one fisty after that hahah

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