With Great Power Comes Hot Chicks

Predator Press

[The Shart]

Like any other Superhero, The Shart is ever-tormented by tragic internal struggle.

But The Shart is new at this "Superhero" gig. As soon as The Shart thinks of a cool one, The Shart will let you know.

For now, The Shart is busy seeking out the Pianosian Syndicate: a worldwide wretched and lethal bunch of organized cutthroat thugs that’ll poke your eye out sooner’n look at you.

The Shart didn't find them under The Shart's bed.

… In a few hours, The Shart will probably check the rest of the bedroom ...


LadyTerri said…
Hey when you get done inspecting your bedroom, ya wanna come over and inspect mine? I think I hear something under my blankets :)~
LOBO said…
Well, it's not a bird, and it's not a plane ...

LadyTerri said…
Oh my it's "THE SHART" in a rubber suite hehehe :)
LOBO said…
Have no fear, fair maiden; if I see anybody from the Pianosian Syndicate, I'll dial "911".

Because it's kinda hard to dial while fleeing and screaming, I've already dialed the "9" and the "1" ...
LadyTerri said…
What would I do without a Super Hero like you...*sigh* ;)

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