Tantrums, Fury, and the Art of Self Destruction
Predator Press
Now it's time to interrupt a dramatic plot with another inconveniently-timed, ill-fated, useless Public Service Message.
Have you ever had one of those days when you're cut off in traffic by some jag in a green Nissan Sentra yappin' on his cellphone, and you just want to slam a toaster into his mushy receding hairline until the twitching stops?
Well, you're not alone my friend: according to the American Mental Association, approximately 52,000 Americans suffering from this disease go undiagnosed every year.
And this year, we're all doin it.
Obama don't dance, but the Comma can rock 'an roll.
Have you ever had one of those days when you're cut off in traffic by some jag in a green Nissan Sentra yappin' on his cellphone, and you just want to slam a toaster into his mushy receding hairline until the twitching stops?
Well, you're not alone my friend: according to the American Mental Association, approximately 52,000 Americans suffering from this disease go undiagnosed every year.
Obama don't dance, but the Comma can rock 'an roll.
Being the calm, rational, chickadoo I am, I went over to the other lane, sped up so I could become parallel with this moron that was making my day less bright and cheery.
I got my bird ready. Peeled it out and prominently displayed it when I was parallel to this jackass…
That’s when I knew for sure I was going to hell and not even my cousin Jesus could help me.
The speed racer that cut me off was a NUN!!
I don’t remember what happened after that.
I find the nun outfit cuts way down on my speeding tickets.