
Showing posts from 2013


Sexy Lulu

Dear 2014

Dead Air

I Warned You People! Nature HATES Us!

Letter to Inmate H*****

The Revenge of Ox Nuts

The Definitive Unbiased History of Future LOBOnian Earth

Predator Press Declares War On Big Twisty Tie

Generation Landslide

Extreme "Mad Skillz" Home Improvement

Buyer Seaware

One Man Flash Mob

Predator Press Movie-Middle Reviews: Braveheart

On Mom's Fridge (Magnetized for Your Protection)

Feminist CDC Scientist Identifies Himpes Venereal Disease

Ox Nuts and the Escape from Zanzibar

Guy Lombardo and the Vile Prince of Zanzibar

"Ox Nuts" Reviews

Ox Nuts: The Pilot Episode

Ox Nuts and the Vile Prince of Zanzibar

If You're Mad At Paula Deen, Meet My Dad

All Ball

Dwane "The Rock" Johnson Gets Tattooz To Impersonate Me

Edward Snowden Leaks ULTIMATE "Making of Star Wars, Original Trilogy" To Kim Kardashian's Baby

Would You Lazy Criminals Please Ratchet It Up So I Can Get To Work?

A Long Time Ago On An Armchair Far, Far Away ...

On This Day In Predator Press History

Could Jesus Take Mike Tyson?

300 Ponies

Intenet Swag

Johnny Cash: Beyond Thunderdome

What If Ed Wood Made Star Wars?

Exclusive: Wikipedia Search Casts Doubt on Bin Laden Assassination

The History of the World

Internet Swag

Internet Swag (Rise Up! Gather 'Round ... !

Internet Swag

Detroit Lions to Place Calvin “Megatron” Johnson on Waivers