Alcor, the company facilitating storage of baseball great Ted Williams' frozen remains, is reeling under media siege due to scandalous allegations of post-mortem abuse to the decedent put forward by former employee Larry Johnson.
Cryonics is a process where remains are frozen and preserved in hopes that one day medical science –once sufficiently advanced- may be able to revive and cure the deceased.
“I wasn’t the slightest bit suspicious until the company picnic,” claims Johnson. “But finding that Red Sox cap in my daiquiri really got me to thinking.”
While Alcor has thus far refused to talk directly with mainstream media, Predator Press got an exclusive interview with Chairman Charles Platt.
“We are flatly denying these shocking and baseless accusations, accusations made by a clearly disgruntled former employee,” says Platt. “We have begun an internal investigation regarding numerous recent record-setting three legged race results. But that is purely a coincidence, and you would be a fool to think otherwise. Crap. I said that out loud, didn’t I? Oh, look behind you! Britney Spears!”

Unfortunately, it appears Britney Spears is very elusive when it comes to interviews and I never found her.
Ah screw it.
Never mind.
I made my husband promise not to freeze my head after this post, just so you know
If he's upset about his head being misused, let him sue like everyone else. Surely, he froze a lawyer with him.
Sorry. It was me. I've been craving a tedsicle, so I broke off an ear.
Don't freeze yourself. When you wake up in twenty years the aliens will have taken over. They'll make you a slave.
Ted Williams creeped me out in an interview he did about two years before he died. He was talking about being frozen like he knew that one day he'd be up and walking again and we would all be dead. Who's on first? It ain't Ted.
Mars: The appeal escapes me completely … I freak out if the air conditioner is set too low.
Stephanie: It seems this should net him at least a cool million.
[rim shot]
DG: Oh ... you said Tedsicle.
I really shouldn't read these comments so quickly -I nearly fainted on my first pass.
Nostradamas: They would have to get in line behind the Student Loan people.
Don: Nothing would depress me more than the thought of living forever. Cripes, I'm already exhausted.
-Still, I wonder what Depends Diapers will look like in 4009.
Mine or his?
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