A Gender Crossed

Predator Press


Friday I overheard a co-worker describe a nearby nightclub as a “fantastic place to meet members of the opposite sex."

-clearly referring to women.

Now it seems to me if sex is something healthy done for pleasure and procreation, the opposite would be something like a gigantic carnivorous banana that roams city streets at night in search of hapless and easy mortal prey, picking it’s teeth with car doors and radiator grills between victims.

Numerous women were within earshot of it, and I was shocked that none of them rose to stab him in the neck with any of many readily-available letter openers.

Indeed, they seemed to miss the offensive comparison entirely.

And despite this single sentence setting back the Feminist movement fifty years, all the women just continued on about their business. Is their oppression so complete they don’t even notice when explicitly slurred? I don’t know about you, but as a guy if someone called me a gigantic carnivorous banana that roams city streets at night in search of hapless and easy mortal prey picking it’s teeth with car doors and radiator grills between victims, I would totally kick his ass!

As a sophisticated and enlightened Twenty First Century gentleman, I feel we -as men- need to lead the charge. And we should start by no longer tolerating chicks bein’ called gigantic carnivorous bananas, et cetera, in the workplace.


Chat Blanc said…
I'm kinda thinking that the reason the women didn't stab him in the neck is because they considered the source, a man, of little intellectual value and figured it just wasn't worth the effort. ;)

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