Exclusive: Larry Craig is Not Gay

Predator Press


Hurry Larry!  The Final Jeopardy
Round Countdown Music is playing!
When I came across this picture, it all became clear.

Senator Larry Craig really isn't gay!

As a senator, Craig gives a lot of impassioned, authoritative and important speeches, right? He's under a lot of pressure. And when you stand in front of a podium, it does kinda resemble a urinal.

Now look at the picture again. See how he conspicuously avoids contact with the numerous phallics available? Hell, even Senator Patty Murray is squirmy!

Maybe he's in the bathroom, and suddenly needs to make a speech? Or what if one whiff of that urinal cake makes him regress into a state of seething, squirty debauched lizard-like cesspool of amorous desire, ready to penetrate virtually anything on two legs.

But he's not a lawyer, he's a politician.

Every last one of you "rushing to judgment" over a married homophobic father who tried to engage in a random sexual encounter with a stranger of the same sex in an airport bathroom should be ashamed of yourselves. Seriously. "Let He Without Sin Roll the First Stone."

I know it's only August, but this brave soldier has gone through a lot to beat out Paris Hilton and Michael Vick to earn my nod as the Predator Press Man of the Year.

(--and if those pricks at TIME Magazine steal any more of my ideas, I'm going to send them a really nasty email!)


Sarcasm Abounds said…
I admire his ability to even enter an airport bathroom. *shudder*

I would need a tub of antibacterial lotion and 3 martinis in me before I would even dare.
Oh man... The late guy comedians are going to have a field day next year when the Republican National Convention takes places in Minneapolis - St. Paul.
I never knew a code existed in the bathroom (I never use to stalls because I feel so vulnerable with that weak lock)
Fanton said…
Don't let him near the White House. He'll only redecorate it.
BillyWarhol said…
Oh Lordy!!

U are frigging Hilarious!!

I loved the Michael Vick sends Craig a FruitBasket too!!!!

Anonymous said…
I think Larry is just auditioning to be twitney spears' next love child. He wants to swim in that swanky love canal, baby. Oh, yes he does.

They are both as hot as ice.
so this is larry craig that they are talking about in one of the discussions in blogcatalog, my gaydar just seem so agitated now, hmmm^^
MYM said…
LOL @ Patty Murray. I don't know who she is but she does look...well it's either nervous in a good way or a bad way, I can't tell.

You crack me up. Thanks for the add btw.

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