To the Grrl Who Emailed ...
Predator Press
To the grrl who emailed:
May I have a photo of "Little" LOBO? I would really like to make his acquaintance, even if only through a photograph. Is that possible? Pa-leeeeeeeeeze?"
Photograph THE GENERAL!?! My god I need Top Secret Clearance just to wash the bastard!
However, in strict adherence to the Geneva Convention, I might be willing to swap captured spies.
... Just doin' my humble part in pursuit of World Piece ...
To the grrl who emailed:
May I have a photo of "Little" LOBO? I would really like to make his acquaintance, even if only through a photograph. Is that possible? Pa-leeeeeeeeeze?"
Photograph THE GENERAL!?! My god I need Top Secret Clearance just to wash the bastard!
However, in strict adherence to the Geneva Convention, I might be willing to swap captured spies.
... Just doin' my humble part in pursuit of World Piece ...