Showing posts sorted by relevance for query "FEED LOBO". Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query "FEED LOBO". Sort by date Show all posts


Predator Press Interviews: Joyce Hopewell

Predator Press

Joyce Hopewell enters the studio, and I am immediately freaked out: she's wearing flowing long white sungod-esque robes and a leafy Caesar headband woven in delicate strands of gold.

Without word, she sits.

Joyce Hopewell: It's nice to see you too, LOBO. I'm fine.

LOBO: Joyce! How nice to see you again. How have you been?

Joyce Hopewell: I require no assistance.

LOBO: Would you like one of our techs to hook you up so we can begin the interview?

[A headset microphone floats toward her, and the switchboard modulators adjust themselves noisily.]

Joyce Hopewell: LOBO, you haven't gotten that mole checked out yet, have you?

LOBO: I don't go for all that medical hocus-pocus stuff. God is real strict about witchcraft. He throws all those heathens in a vat of flaming acid for 10,000 years ... and speaking of Eternal Damnation, how is this whole 'Astrology' thing going for you?

Joyce Hopewell: I have gained knowledge and wisdom of things your tiny, callow mind could never appreciate.

LOBO: Wow. So how do you get those butterflies to keep fluttering around you? All I get is regular flies.

Joyce Hopewell: Seriously. You need to get that mole checked out.

LOBO: I read the post where you did a Chart on Ricky Hatton, the Champion Boxer. I thought it was great. What could you reveal about me?

Joyce Hopewell: You want me to do your chart?

LOBO: No. I mean if I fought Ricky Hatton.

Joyce Hopewell: He would kill you.

LOBO: Seriously? At his age?

Joyce Hopewell: You know your plan to mug Santa Christmas Eve?

LOBO: Yeah.

Joyce Hopewell: Santa will kill you.

LOBO: Dammit!

Joyce Hopewell: Do you want to know what happens next time you forget to feed Phil?

LOBO: What?

Joyce Hopewell: She will kill you. And Phil is a girl by the way.

LOBO: Really? I was just giving Phil his privacy.

Joyce Hopewell: You've had her for three years.

LOBO: You are joking, right?

Joyce Hopewell: LOBO, Phil has nipples.

LOBO: I have nipples.

Joyce Hopewell: Eight of them?
LOBO: Maybe it's a gene defect. I could easily have them removed by the vet.

Joyce Hopewell: Speaking of medical attention, would you please get that mole checked out?

LOBO: What mole?

Joyce Hopewell: Stop thinking about Britney Spears.

LOBO: There's nothing more depressing than your first Christmas after a divorce. And now her sister is pregnant too.

Joyce Hopewell: Her sister isn't pregnant.

LOBO: You mean on top of all that, her uterus is busted?


Predator Press and the Tomb of the Velvet Ropes

Predator Press


Saturday I decided I needed to take out all the cash from the “Feed LOBO” fundraising effort.

Despite coming from Don Lewis, a buck is a buck. And after the government does it’s ‘Where’s My Money?’ shell game, that’s about 67 cents.

That’s mac and cheese money, baby.

In fact that’s Kraft mac and cheese money.

According to my calculatrons, I’m only a few weeks away from the salt, butter and milk required to complete the recipe.

Maybe I'll just go crazy and hold out for Velveeta.


A bank being open during Predator Press Month should have been my first sign of trouble. But I equate going to the bank with Purgatory: a sea of disinterested, dismantled vacant faces waiting in twisty and random excruciatingly slow roped queues.

They'll be open.

True, you might see one or two upon occasion that are still somehow faintly hopeful this is the line that leads to a thick, turbulent swill of soul-harvesting interest rates and mortgage loans. Not even dignifying them with full annunciation, we call them the 'Unngghhh' and nudge each other quietly when we spot them. And once awareness has been sufficiently raised, we taunt them with subtle mercilessness until they either 'join the ranks' or flip out, screaming in macabre frustration.

It’s this ‘screaming’ phase you don’t want. An un-culled Unnngh sobbing and screaming in line can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. If the screaming phase takes too long, accelerate the process of permanently breaking their Will by tripping them frequently. Sneak a few kicks in if you can.

Every so often -if an unobserved opportunity presents itself- I’ll rearrange the ropes. I mean you never know, right? And if I can’t solve the maze in this manner, I’ll make them into a loop for the people behind me to wander through for all Eternity.

If, on the other hand, I solve the maze, I'll arrange the ropes so they’ll spill out at The Gap or something. The water bill remains unpaid, but they leave with their souls intact and a nice new cardigan.

Unless there's an Unghh behind me.

I hate those lousy Unngghs.


In this case, I solved the maze in an hour and twenty minutes. A record for me. Nervously peering over my shoulder, I discreetly slide the signed check and my driver’s license across to the teller.

“I’m sorry,” he says. “There appears to be a lien against any ‘Feed LOBO’ funds raised.”

I owe the Loyal Reader a sidebar explanation here: due to the money I blew for the 'Feed LOBO' telethon on entertainers, costumes, advertising, caterers and pyrotechnics, the first 4-5 million is supposed to come right off the top as overhead; I, conversely, contend that hideous and catastrophic fiscal debacle is not my fault, and should be blamed on lousy entertainers, costumes, advertising, caterers and pyrotechnics.

Various collection agencies apparently disagree.

“How dare you,” I demand. “Do you have any idea how much money I have in this bank?”

“It says here $6.87,” he says. “And apparently there’s a lien on that too.”

“Well I’m not going to keep my liquid cash here. It’s not safe!”

“Our impregnable vault was secretly designed and constructed from the outside in by two mysterious German engineers. Upon completion, it could only be opened from the inside –and those engineers are long since presumed dead.”

“How do you get the money in and out?”

“We don’t. We keep it in a mason jar on the fridge in the break room.”

"You can't do this," I explain calmly. "It's Predator Press Month for God's sake. What will the kids say?"

"You have kids? What are their names?"

"Shiftless and, eh, Screechy I think. In fact, that $6.87 is Shiftless' college fund."

"I'm sorry sir."

“Can I still play with that cool toy with the beads?”

"Only if you give all the pens back."


Press Paws

Predator Press

[Mr. I]

"Consider how he thinks. The dinosaur, the Bronze Age, the Industrial Revolution, World War II ... along with the rest of history, they are all BL and cannot possibly have any effect on him today. As a consequence, he considers it all entirely irrelevant."


"Before LOBO."


The computer beeped twice. Some kind of alert. Saint Peter turned and read the new info through the bottom of his glasses. "Says here LOBO is currently engaged in harassing the elderly."

"Is it in traffic?"

"No. That wouldn't count."


LOBO's eyes alternated from the thick file to Mister and Misses Driskel in a cold and calculating manner.

"Farmers, eh?" he sighed finally.

Theodore Lawrence Driskel of Clawson City, Utah, was quite frazzled. They had driven twenty hours to get here, and the rather aggressive "interview" was now in it's third hour. He rubbed his eyes under his glasses with shaky, liver spotted hands. "Yes sir."

Examining the file, LOBO's eyebrows lifted. "Soybeans?"


"I fucking hate soybeans" LOBO growled.

Ellenor Jean Driskel --AKA "Ella"-- interupted. "We also grow green beans and corn--"

"--Silence!" LOBO's icy glare skewered her. "I'll get to you in a minute," he snarled. Spreading the file with his fingers, he tapped his fingers on Ethan's broad desk. "So you both have made roughly $45,000 a year for the last ten years, have excellent, well, immaculate credit, with the exception of filing bankruptcy in 1974."

Theodore and Ella looked at each other in mild discomfort.

"Relax," says LOBO, smiling like a hungry python. "That's why we're here. You're doing fine." He browsed the files some more. "Psychological profiles are good. And you both passed the physical and drug test with flying colors." He clicked his tongue thoughtfully. "No criminal record?"

"No sir," replied Mister Driskel. "We're regular church-going, God-fearin plain folk. Ella plays the organ for the Sunday service."

"No criminal record whatsoever?" LOBO inquired.

"No sir," repeated Mr. Driskel.

LOBO sighed, slipping a blue sheet of paper out from under the stack. "Well, unfortunately, we've found this."

It was a Chicago parking ticket from 1968.

"I'm sorry you've come all this way," he continued, "but I'm afraid this responsibility cannot be just fobbed off to common liars and criminals."

Ella burst into tears. "I'm sorry Theo! I never told you--"

Theodore Driskel patted Ella's hand comfortingly.

"--the Democratic National Convention was so packed. I only wanted to drop off some cookies and bandages for the protesters."

LOBO shook his head disappointedly. "As I said, I'm sorry. Please see yourselves out as I have a very busy schedule."

"So that's it then?" said Mister Driskel, squeezing Ella's hand gently. "We're getting turned down because of a forty year old parking ticket?"

"No," replied LOBO coolly. "You're getting turned down because your wife is a filthy lying anarchist and a cheap, wrinkled nationalist pinko whore. We could've won Vietnam if not for you peacenick Abbie Hoffmanites--!"

"--Now just a minute young man!" demanded Mister Driskel, standing. "I don't know exactly who you think you are--"

LOBO looked up with great interest as Mister Driskel rolled up his flannel sleeves.

"--but I'm not going to sit here and take you insulting my wife any longer!"

LOBO leaned back in Ethan's chair, grinning. "Fiery! Protective! ... I like that." Pulling out a long, bulleted checklist, he ticked off two points. "That put you at a final score of 210 out of a possible 300." Smiling, he folded his hands together and pointed roughly at the old couple with his paralleled index fingers. "And that's marginally passable".

Mister Driskel froze, confused. There was a stunned silence, interrupted periodically by Ella heavy sobbing.

LOBO opened a deep drawer, and produced a tiny white and brown spotted kitten. "Congratulations. It's name is Meowy." Recently informed that it's impossible to tell a cat's sex for several weeks by Ethan, LOBO had tried to stop randomly assigning genders to them. It was, after all, a somewhat important matter, and he had decided to give them some privacy in that regard.

Mister Driskel took the miniscule animal, and sat, arm around Ella as she heaved uncontrollably.

"There there, Emma," soothed LOBO as he offered a tissue. "You understand that a rigorous screening process in necessary, right?

"That's Ella," corrected Mr. Driskel.

"Whatever. Say, are you guys hungry?"

"Well, actually ... " sniffed Ella.

"Well, too bad you can't stay. But there's a pancake house right up the road on the way to the freeway. You can go there right after you fill out all the paperwork Miss Sapphire has for you on the way out. Goodbye."

The Driskels collected themselves, and hobbled for the door.

"Oh," added LOBO, standing to see them out. "One more thing. Meowy gets milk and Eukanoba everyday. And albacore tuna on Sundays ... not that crap tuna."

"Got it," says Mister Driskel.

"And I'll be checking up periodically," continued LOBO. "If Meowy isn't getting his shots regularly and very happy in his new home, I'll come to Clawson City, cut your fucking commie nuts off, and feed 'em to Phil in a lobster bisque."


LOBO walked in and simply collapsed on the couch.

"How'd it go?" I asked with mild interest.

"Well, I found a home for Meowy," he replied.

"You've been at this for weeks," I says. "How many have you found homes for so far?"

"Two," said LOBO. "But I'm rethinking the Stillsons. I think I could do better for Bob."

"You've really got to let this go at some point."

"Maybe." LOBO picked up his paperback copy of Chuck Palahniuk's Choke. Again I watched. I've never actually witnessed LOBO read before, and that particular book has been sitting --upside-down and split open almost perfectly in the center-- on the coffee table, for over six months unmoved. It left a dustless clean rectangle.

And just as I suspected, LOBO lay back and set the book over his eyes.

"I guess you heard that the Liberty Bell got cracked by the trucking company," I says.

"Yeah. Now nobody'll want the damn thing."

"Did you try ebay?"

"Nah. I already got Max, Brighta and Vetter trying to get rid of it. I told 'em to sneak into some kind of battle somewhere and ditch it so's nobody will suspect it was my fault."

A few quiet minutes passed.

"Did me being alive really fuck up Sapphire's boob job?" he finally inquired.

"Amongst other things, yes."

"How come nobody tried to talk her out of it?"

"Because whenever women get a boob job, they're typically really anxious to show them off."

"She doesn't need a boob job," says LOBO from under the book.

"But that's not really the point, is it?" I was losing interest in this conversation fast, not particularly interested in LOBO's pontification on the matter. Still, I couldn't resist. "How would you know if Sapphire needs a boob job? And for that matter, why do you care?"

"I guess I'm just not a big fan of unnecessary surgeries I suppose. She's already beautiful."

"But then she would be beautiful and have gigantic cans. I'm not following you here. What are you, gay?"

LOBO sighed. "Look, if my ex-wife didn't make me gay, nothing will." He paused. "I guess I'm just a little skeptical when I hear about women putting themselves through excruciating and expensive pain voluntarily. Particularly when they say that 'I'm doing it for myself' bullshit. I don't get it."

"Well having babies isn't exactly a picnic. And I hear kids end up costing hundreds of bucks what with college and all."


"Yeah, maybe they are all fuckin nuts."

And LOBO fell asleep.


Crazy People with Cameras

Predator Press

[Mr. I]

I was drunk enough to get in my car with LOBO driving.

I'm not proud.

The only car I've seen LOBO drive more than once is his rusty, primered 1980 Plymouth Horizon. The vanity plate reads "WWID". But hammered as I am, I notice immediately that there's something odd about the little vehicle.

The interior is immaculate. Leather. Corinthian, I think. The stereo is amazing.

And this thing flies.

Gripping the luxurious back seat upholstery to compensate for the incredible inertia, I ask "What kind of engine do you have in this thing?"

"I dunno," he says, shrugging. "Whatever comes stock in a Porsche 911 GT3, I guess." "You put a Porsche engine in a beater Plymouth Horizon?"

"No, actually Ethan put a Plymouth Horizon body on a Porsche. He said he was sick of me being late for everything, and an actual Porsche might theoretically get me laid." LOBO shrugs, "Hell, insurance is cheaper, it draws less attention from cops, and I can pretty much park it anywhere. I don't even lock it most of the time."

Suddenly, at like 3:15 in the morning, the night sky lit up like it was day.

The Predator Press Distress Signal covered the whole damn thing.

"What the fuck is that?" says LOBO, pointing at the gargantuan Helvetica "PP" in the sky.

"That's the Predator Press distress signal" I slur from the back seat.

"Well, it's blinding me," says LOBO, looking straight up, nowhere near the road, both hands making small spots of artificial shade over his eyes. "Someone's going to have an accident, and we're going to get sued."

"We're contractually bound to respond," I says.

"And I am responding," says LOBO. "We're gonna get sued."

"No," I says, leaning forwards. "I mean we have to meet Ethan at the Press Room. Now. The deployment of that signal means it's a fucking bona-fide 'I don't care if you're naked-and-sleeping' crisis."

"Did we pay for that?"

"No, turd warmer. The fucking Marines paid for it."

Edward looks at LOBO. "Okay, so where is the Press Room?"

Through the mirror, LOBO looks at me.

"Oh come on!", I says to LOBO. "You don't know where the Press Room is?"

"Dude," says LOBO. "I want to know why the Marines are pissed!"

Edward looks at me. "Do you know where the 'Press Room' is?"

Angry and defensive, I bark "They've never published anything!"


"You better put your foot in it," says Edward, after phoning for directions.

"Yeah," agrees LOBO. Edward, who, despite being stone sober, is completely calm. "The big secret about Chicago is that it's totally traffic anarchy. Nobody gets pulled over for traffic violations anymore."

"Really," says Edward in his strange serene cool.

"Yeah. It's a big myth. Like 'Bigfoot' and the 'female orgasm'." He pulls his bangs away, lighting a cigarette. "Just crazy people with cameras."

... And here was LOBO ramping up to 115 on I-94.

After three funerals, and all the freakin tux rental bills that implies.

You explain it.

Earlier, LOBO had jazz music playing. I protested, but LOBO insists that this plinkety-plink, hoot-toot plink shit somehow suits the "ambiance" of the Chicago skyline at night.

Edward concurs and I'm outvoted.

But now, ratcheted up, it's the driving, machine-gun pulse of Pantera, Cowboys from Hell. Shooting out from that tunnel by Ohio street like a bullet from a gun, the high-performance, fuel-injected, duel-clutched, 480 horsepower turbo 1980 Plymouth Horizon roars through the city, narrowly zig-zagging around cars left and right. On the left rear bumper, there's an aged, dangling sticker flapping wildly in the wind that reads "My Other Car is a Piece of Shit Too".

I struggle against g-forces I can't anticipate, straining to secure my seat belt.

"I always figure this is how I'll die," LOBO continues, cigarette dangling. "Hitting a brick wall of traffic around a blind curve, consisting mostly of other people only recently enjoying some high-velocity anarchy. Just a huge sudden fiery molten mass of flesh and steel and bones, blood ... It'll just be wham, splat, fwoosh ... And the worst part is, I'll probably have a carload of people with me."

I heave bile into my own mouth. "You're going over a hundred miles an hour in a forty-five" I manage.

"I don't believe in the metric system," he says. "It's Goddamn unpatriotic."

"So what do you do for fun?" LOBO asks Edward.

"Nothing really," says Edward in that cool voice. "I spend most of my time studying and in classes."

"No shit?" says LOBO.

"Yeah, I'm studying Orthotics."

"Well you're a better man than I," he replies. "The thought of spendin my life elbow-deep down someone else's throat is pretty depressing."

Edward looks at me, and I shake my head: Let it go.

"Yeah, uh" Edward continues. "I graduate this year." Edward pauses. "Then those Student Loans kick in."

There it is, I'm thinking.

This cat's lookin for a job.

I'm simultaneously suspicious of Edward, and far too drunk to care really. Ethan, once he heard I beat LOBO with golf clubs until a freak accident actually killed the prick, hired me back on to the Predator Press staff. With back pay, and a substantial raise.

"Yeah," LOBO agrees "Christ, nothin is worse than a hard-core philistine."

Edward looks at me again. And this time I'm shaking my head even harder: Definitely let it go. "Orthotics, eh? Good money in that?"

"Well, I'm sure not going to do it out of the goodness of my heart," Edward replies.

"Some doctors are more interested in helping people than they are in money," I says, a little facetiously.

"No they aren't," Edward says. "My brother John is poor, and when his wife had her baby they had to do some routine gynecological test at Halifax Hospital in Daytona, Florida. My wife's doctor happened to be filling in at the hospital that day. This Doc, the sweetest guy in the world, he leads a group of interns into the hospital room. John protests of course; 'Hey,' he says, 'Are all these people really necessary?' And then that same noble, wonderful doctor, who kissed my ass through the birth of both my kids, he doesn't know John's my brother. He pushes John aside, not even looking at him, and right in front of the six or eight interns says, 'Maybe you should've thought of this before you decided to have babies on welfare'."

"Jesus Christ!" I says, hot breath filling the car. I need to eat something. Or maybe barf. "Did you brother complain?"

"No," Edward replies. "My brother ain't like that. I think he was just grateful for the medical care."

"Nice lesson for the interns too," LOBO growls. "Doctors and cops," he ads. "The whole world weeps for 'em when shit goes south, when the reality is they can be even bigger dicks than you can guess."

To Edward, I says "So, in your opinion, nobody does anything except out of self interest?"

Edward looks back at me, studying. "Yeah," he says. "That's it."

"What about Mother Theresa?"

LOBO and Edward exchange looks, laughing. "Look," says Edward. "God Bless her. I mean, the world is a better place because of her, fine. But don't you think she wanted to go to heaven?"

"Probably," I says, leaning back in my seat.

"And you don't call that self interest?"

I'm not comfortable with this conversation anymore.

The sky spinning doesn't help. I need food. Coffee. Something to sober up; the Predator Press building was still a half an hour out, but I'm getting cold sweats, and my vision is blurring. I roll down the window and stick my head into the maelstrom.

"How about people that are afraid of Hell?" Edward continues. "Coercion is still self interest if you really think about it. Unfortunately, the truth is that virtually any religion is primarily made up of whores. You want to find a decent human being? I would look someplace else."

I lean into the car for a second. "LOBO, do you know where you're going?"

"You mean during the Cosmic Dirtnap?"

"No, I mean right now," I says, 'now' containing about six 'h's. "As in responding to the distress signal." Nonchalantly, I add "But I need to stop someplace to pee."

"There's a Burgermania at this next exit," he says.

"Fine." My slurring is now out of control, and I decide to stick my head out the window again and shut up for a while.

Switching lanes, LOBO continues. He flicks his cigarette out the window, and it pings off of my forehead splashing fantastic arcs of light, landing in my lap. "Edward's right. Everybody's got some kind of monkey. Toys, money, sex, power ... "

"Fuck!" I says. Seeing double, I'm really having a hard time finding that cigarette butt.

"What's yours?" asks Edward.

"Oh, sex. Definitely more sex," states LOBO flatly.

"That's funny," says Edward. "I would've bet a thousand bucks you were a virgin."

"Well, that makes it a goal easy to attain," he says. "Baby steps. People set these high-pressure impossible goals and disappoint themselves constantly. I set goals like, 'Someday I will make a list of goals'."

"That would actually make you're primary 'interest' sloth," I point out, digging the hot embers out of my lap. The state of alarm seems to have sobered me a bit. "I guess mine would be comfort." I pause. "Southern Comfort!" I guffaw, slapping Edward's shoulder.

"That's such a chick answer," LOBO laughs. "Security, money ... where's your sense of adventure? Any pussy can throw money around to dilute life's little traumas."

"I would've thought it fair to say that mine was money, too," admits Edward. "But now that you mention it, it is really just a conduit to more sex and influence."

"That's pre-programmed Alpha-Male jackoff bullshit," says LOBO, shaking his head. "I sincerely doubt I'm going to be on my deathbed weeping that I didn't work enough."

"You don't want to be an 'Alpha Male'?"

"Fuck no," says LOBO. "I wanna be a Zeta. If there is such a thing. Alphas beat each other up, compete, have ambition ... that's too much pressure. We Zetas don't give a crap. We wake up, and the new Alpha has just eaten the old Alpha. Again. 'Oooo!' we say, 'a new Alpha. How original.' And then, odds are, by the time we've memorized the fucks name, he's been eaten by the next 'Alpha'. It's very boring."

What about Mister Hawly?" asks Edward. "He's a pretty wealthy guy. What makes him tick?"

"Justice," says LOBO, almost without thinking. "He's the slickest 'Alpha', period. He's a smart one, but maybe more importantly, he's a patient one. Rather than being a typical abrasive loudmouth, he lays low and pulls subtle little strings. Usually, when you see two idiots slugging it out, odds are he owns one or both of them. They just don't know it yet."

Curious. Dumb as LOBO is, he's smart enough to know who and when to defer.

Zeta mastery.

Measuring the distance to where the signal touched the ground over the horizon, Edward sighs. "Well, we've got some time to kill. And you guys have heard my story already. Let's here one that hasn't been told yet."

I take a deep breath and muster all the sobriety I can.

"Go ahead LOBO," he says, deflating me.

"What, you mean my life story?"

"Yeah. And how you met Ethan, got into publishing."

This should be interesting, I'm thinking. "Yeah LOBO. Why doncha enlighten us how you was whisked away from Plutonian space pirates by fuzz-fairies and blasted pastel goblins and stuff?"

LOBO frowns, eyeing me suspiciously through the rearview mirror. "I don't remember any goblins."


The really early stuff is excruciatingly dull, and it gives me time to sober a bit. With heavy paper sacks emblazoned 'Burgermania' in tow, he's still going on and on when I get back to the car.

"Ethan and I met in Junior High school, where he and his friends used to beat up me and my friends. He didn't stop until one day I warned him that if he didn't sell his Faberge Egg collection before spring of that year, he was going to be stuck with a whole lot of worthless crap that wouldn't even make a decent tacky jewel-encrusted omelet."

"Did he sell them?" asked Edward.

"No," replied LOBO. "And sure enough, a few months later, he took a bath in those things too. But by that time, I was long gone."

"Gone? What happened?"

"Well, firstly, my band took off. Vaginal Slide didn't really get much local traction, but we were huge in the Galapagos Islands. Monsters in Guatemala. Heard of us? 'Red Hot Chocolate' was our big one:

'Don't play like it's no sacrilege
that I got a rolls of toilet paper in my freezer, my fridge,
Farting, sharting stuff from Hell,
I oughta sue the balls offa Taco Bell
It's searing through my anus like an acid blowtorch
You can smell burnin flesh even on the front porch!
Red Hot Chocolate, screamin in the night
If Ida been a second later, Ida arc-welded my tailpipe
Red Hot Chocolate, five gallons deep,
If Ida been a second later I woulda melted my Jeep-'

"Is that the one that Pat Boone remade?" asks Edward.

"No. He remade our song 'The Ayatollah of Areola'. And ballads and love songs were huge that year, so he made a bundle. He later stiffed us on the royalties and the writing credit."

"Did you sue?"

"Couldn't." replies LOBO. "By that time the band had split up; dead musicians are notoriously unreliable. I think it's cuz we never could seem to get any airplay. And then the music industry changed. It wasn't like today where you ride a $1,000 bicycle to Barnes and Nobles, drinking $6 coffees and then stiff the store on the $10 book." LOBO pounds his hand on the dash. "We had suicide doors, steel dashboards and Vietnam to weed them fucks out. Now all we got is Metallica." He fishes around for the radio knob, and switches it to 'off'. "You know what sucks about the Porsche 911 GT3?"

We both shake our heads.

"Just try and get one with an 8-track player," he says. "The dealers just look at you like you're completely crackers." He lights another cigarette. "So where was I? Oh yeah ... I was complaining about my life story. Nowadays it's all seat belts and warning labels and lawsuits. Hell, I remember waitresses on roller skates with big-ass hair and no helmet, bringing Thalidomide-flavored fries out to your car in an asbestos crate, all the while stabbing Jets and Sharks left and right with her switchblade during the musical number 'cuz her numb chucks were confiscated."

"So what happened with the band?" asks Edward, trying to get him back on track.

"Vaginal Slide was on tour for our Fists of Furry record in Escuintla, and President Alfonso Portillo -big fan-flew us out to do some live recording at his palace. Who would have thought he would pick then to decide to have our lyrics translated? Turns out he gets so offended for some reason, he orders us all rounded up and executed. With phony papers and disguised as Nelson Mandela's brother, I narrowly escaped."

"Nelson Mandela's brother," I says incredulously.

"Yeah. Frank Mandela. You know, the one that drives the Camaro?"

"Go on," says Edward.

"Well, I only got partway back. My band slain, I had to start my life all over in the Communist Republic of Cuba. I got a job at Havana Bowling Alley, and kinda skulked around for a few months, all depressed. One day, while I was fantasizing about the pins hurdling the balls back at all these bald drunken assholes in funny shoes, I dreamed up this game where you throw a ball at a guy and he tries to hit it with a stick-"

"Oh, let me guess,," I says. "And then the guy who hit the ball runs around a big diamond."

"That's a bastardized variation on my game concept. Originally it was a square."

"So," I says, skeptical. "You're saying that you invented the game of baseball."

"Well, we didn't call it 'baseball' back then. We called it 'Hit the Ball with a Stick and Run Like Hell'."

"Oh brother," I says.

"Anyways, I gotta get back to the US from Cuba. So I stitch 834,993 Breton Corojo Vintage Lancero cigars together to make a raft, and set sail for Montreal where I found Ethan selling magazines. He remembers me. Asks me how I knew about the Faberge Egg market collapse, and I tell him I don't know. Now he's fully invested in this quarry, doing research and developing improvements on this new concept: the 'Pet Rock'."

"Ethan was behind the Pet Rock craze?" I ask.

"Indirectly," LOBO replies. "See, overall, the Pet Rock was a pretty mediocre pet when compared to dogs, for instance. While easily housebroken, the only command they ever seemed to learn was 'stay'. I mean even the Pet Sponge could learn to soak. But where the Pet Rock lacked the staying power of, say, the cat or the fish or the sponge, it did have a certain undeniable appeal to American culture. I recommended that he stay 'in' until DNA mapping began to evolve."

"DNA mapping?" asks Edward.

"Yeah. See, the Pet Rock had a lot of breeding issues. Fertility problems. Down in the quarry, you could put two rocks together, and months later you would still have only two rocks. In fact, you could put fifty rocks together, dim the lights, and play Barry White records over a megaphone until the cows came home and you would still have fifty rocks. A rock is a solitary and mysterious creature, whose reproductive habits are as yet still a mystery."

"What does that have to do with DNA mapping?"

"Well, we never got any rocks breeding in that quarry unless we had a lot of bulldozers and jackhammers and crap. Something about all that noise, I suppose. But when the Human Genome Project came along we started being able to clone stuff, and it was either give up or use .. Now, the market is totally saturated with rocks. Shit. Look around; they're everywhere. You can't throw a rock without hitting a rock now."

"So Ethan keeps you around as some kind of investment consultant?" I asks.

"'Social Barometer' is probably more accurate. But, from bell-bottom jeans to the internet stock boom to Tickle-Me-Elmo, we've been there on the ground floor."

"If all this is true, why aren't you rich?" Edward asks.

"Well, if you think about it, I don't pick the winning ponies, I just point out a good time to turn them to glue. Besides, I think affluence would kinda water down the experience and dull the edge. Keep in mind that rich people don't buy the bulk of stuff, the middle-class do. Rich people manufacture their own supply-and-demand problems, and there's plenty of sycophants to cater to that stuff already. Tiny foreign nations hand-crafting coats made of rare exotic fur with dinosaur eggs dipped in gold for buttons isn't particularly brilliant or exciting."

"It just so happens," I interrupt, "that dinosaur egg buttons are much better that conventional flat ones."

Edward looks back at me "You've got one of those?"

"Three of them." I says. "Very high quality stuff. Complete with the eagle feather inlay."

"Worn them lately?" asks LOBO, into the rearview.

"Well, no."

"See?" says LOBO. "There's no rationale behind it. Coats should keep you warm, not stuff your closet. You've created an artificial demand for something completely impractical for the sole purpose of easily recognizing the other stupid people with too much money. Then you mislabeled it 'Status' hoping nobody would notice. And let me guess ... just in case someone does notice, you increasingly insulate yourself in 'exclusive' activities, surrounded by only other like-minded people."

"You you've never been preoccupied with image, fashion, style--?"

"Sure I have. The difference is you buy yours. It's overly-elaborate, and more importantly, it's somebody else's." LOBO paused. "When Ethan and I met you, you were in jeans and a t-shirt. I'll bet what you're wearing now cost more than your rent was that month."

"What's your point?" I demand. "That I should be some broke loser-slash-philosopher? I don't see you curing cancer. You couldn't find your asshole with a flashlight and a funnel."

Edward laughs.

"I don't really know what I'm saying," LOBO confesses. "I think I'm a little disappointed, I guess. When you got fired and moved into that trailer, you just seemed more real. You got passionate. Angry. And not because you were told to be. I think Ethan and I were impressed with the fact that you embraced the whole thing with such totality. We were seeing glimpses of you minus all the distracting glitz and shiny objects again, and we realized we missed you." LOBO inspected the diminishing skyline in the mirror. "I guess I'm saying 'don't become the sum of your possessions'. It's beneath you."

"So I'm some corporate thrall?" Is that what Ethan thinks?"

"Take it easy, man," says Edward. "I don't think that's what he's saying at all. In fact, I think he's saying the opposite."

"But this asshole is a goddamn certified retarded lunatic!" I offer, pointing at the back of LOBO's head. "And he's in charge."

"Look," grins LOBO. "I went through the whole hip and image-conscious thing a long time ago. It was a goddamn disaster."

"Well, I'm shocked to hear it." I says.

"Yep. Believe it or not, I've made a few social blunders of my own."

"No," I gasp sardonically.

"Yes, really!" says LOBO all serious. "Remember the seventies? I used to troll around women's strip bars when they close-"

Edward interrupts "You're shitting me. You used to be waiting when a bar, full of drunken horny chicks poured out of a club at weird hours? My God man ... that's brilliant. A little pathetic, but brilliant ..."

"Yep," LOBO continues. "There I'd be in my immaculate white suit, wide open collar with my gold zodiac symbol chain, the works. My elevator shoes were so tall I'd get nosebleeds."

Edward and I laugh hysterically. "Oh my God," I manage. "I can totally see it. LOBO leaning on his car, tryin to look all 'cool'--"

"What?" LOBO asks, puzzled, looking back and forth between us.

Edward composes himself. "So did this 'Master Plan' ever culminate into any real action?"

"It might have. But to be honest, when it came 'time to strike' I was a little preoccupied. My elevator shoes had goldfish in them, and I couldn't figure out how you feed them. So there's my beloved little Simon and Garfunkle, floating belly-up in their little metatarsal tombs-"

Edward and I are laughing so hard, we're crying.

"And then I get approached by this chick, Lindsay Merigold. She says she's the editor for a big national magazine, and she'll give me $1,000 a week to write articles for her magazine about 'love and courtship in the 70's'. Up until now, I'm working in the bowling alley, a talentless hack musician. How hard could it be to become a talentless hack writer? Besides, I would get to kill a lot of trees this way. So I agree to the deal."

"So ..." says Edward, still fighting down laughter.

"Well, it didn't occur to me to ask why she wanted me to write this article. It turns out, that her finding me in a white suit and elevator shoes in the parking lot of a women's strip club was significant. The magazine I was to write for was named Gay Love."

"Oh God dude please stop." I have never laughed so hard in my life. "You're killing me!" After about twenty minutes, I finally choke out, "So did you take the job?"

"For $1000 a week? Hell yes!" he says. "The office was kinda creepy, but once you got used to wiping everything down you wanted to use or sit on, everything was fine."

"How long did this go on?" I ask between teary cackles.

"About a year," says LOBO.

"Wait a minute," giggles Edward. "You wrote for a gay magazine for a year?"

"No, I didn't says that. See, my first deadline was four days after I got my office. And for four days, I just stared at the blank paper. Nothing. The deadline passed, and nobody said anything. And I got a check for $1,000."

"No shit?" says Edward. "What did you do?"

"I started putting in for more assignments. Shit, before long deadlines were flying by me left and right."

"And you never got caught?" I ask.

"Yeah, I did finally. Lindsay Merigold called me in her office and demanded a story be on her desk by eight o'clock the next morning, or I was going to be prosecuted."

"Did you do it?"

"Of course I did! I titled it "Butt Sex: I'll Bet it Hurts-"

Edward and I, by this point, are both begging LOBO to stop. My stomach hurts, and Edward is threatening to piss his pants.

Noticing the searchlights closely and off to our left, LOBO slows the car.

"We're here."

Milestone 1/999,999,999% of Goal Achieved

Associated Press

Amidst rumors to the contrary, the Predator Press-sponsored “Feed LOBO” charity resulted in what Editor-in-Chief LOBO referred to as an “encouraging start”.

“Now that the seal has been broken,” LOBO explains, “some serious coin will start rollin in. And those fat sacks of cash are gonna get me some kickass bling.”

Acts included Pat Boone performing the Tool classic “Prison Sex” with the Pianosian Symphony Orchestra, Corey Haim’s two hour lecture on “The Cultural significance of Hair Gel and Why it is Soooo Cool”, and rap artist 50 Cent -via satellite- explaining how LOBO's assertion that "I'm With Stupid T-shirts are bling!" is technically not correct.

While spectacular overall, the telethon was marred early on when during the Riverdance segment Michael Flatley snapped his knee backward and kicked his own forehead.

“That was the coolest part!” said LOBO, who did not attend. “When I woke up, I just fast-forwarded through all the bullshit on TiVo. But I've watched that scene like a dozen times.”

Slowing down the footage, he demonstrates. “See? Wait for it … wait for it … clacketty clacketty clacketty-POW!!!"

"Ah god," he adds, wiping back a tear. "That just slays me."

Jerry Lewis, host of the event, concluded the evening with an emphatic, “LOBO is far and away the most handicapped person I've had ever met. Please help!”

This is widely believed to be what triggered the only donor of the day -It’s a Funny Thing author Don Lewis- into action.

“We were going to send the first donor a plaque," commented LOBO. "But then we realized the daily ‘take’ would actually be negative $498.99 ... and that it was Don Lewis. Instead, we sent a slightly-warped Tupperware lid crawling with the ebola virus."

"Plaque, plague -it’s all semantics,” insists LOBO. "And do you have any idea how difficult is is to scratch 'Thanks Don Lewis' in cursive with a key on space-age polymers?"

Predator Press: Exposed!

Predator Press

[Bill Curtis]

We’ve all watched the meteoric rise of Predator Press in the lucrative field of blogging, and the vast, glorious empire founded on this historic document by Ethan and LOBO.

But what do we really know about the origins of Predator Press?

I’m Bill Curtis. And today we’re going to go deep inside the seedy underbelly of what might be the most popular blog in the universe: Predator Press.

And what we found may shock and horrify you.


By appearance, Flandsa Ha’asasanba might have seemed like any other immigrant worker. When he arrived on Ellis Island with only eight dollars in his pocket, he was in pursuit of the American Dream: to work honest and hard until he encountered a situation where he could sue someone, thusly retiring in style and with a steady flow of Disability checks.

But Flandsa Hasasanba had an unrecognized talent for both turnip farming and writing; in his battered suitcase was a 600 page manuscript entitled The Turnip: Nature's Miracle Vegetable.

What do these seemingly disparate events have to do with Predator Press?

I’m Bill Curtis. And today we’re going to explore the strange twist that would entwine the dark fate of Flandsa Ha’asasanba to it forever.


June 6, 2003

LOBO, reputedly trying to peek up the dress of “that great big chick holding the torch,” found himself stranded on Ellis Island without the eight dollars required to ride the ferry back.

Time wore on. With a flowing unkempt beard and clothes reduced to frayed tatters, he spent the entire two hours demanding to speak to ‘Ellis’ to no avail.

Flandsa Hasasanba –who spoke no English- only smiled politely as LOBO barked madly. In turn -concluding quickly that Flandsa Ha’asasanba was one of those “Special People”- LOBO decided that Flandsa Ha’asasanba was safer as his own 'personal assistant' than he was wandering the dangerous and uncharted regions of greater New York City.

“Look at that, Friday,” said LOBO, pointing to the nearby coast with a large piece of driftwood.

“Flandsa,” Flandsa Ha’asasanba corrected smiling.

“Friday, you know I hate it when you interrupt me,” says LOBO. “Listen. Someday we are going to get off this rock. I promise you. As God as my witness, we will see civilization again!”

Flandsa Hasasanba grinned. Whatever this American hobo was saying, he certainly seemed very animated about it. Hungry, he pulled out his eight dollars and got in line behind other tourists at the hot dog stand.

-Flandsa Ha’asasanba woke several hours later with nothing but a headache, a piece of broken driftwood, and shattered hopes and dreams.

So just what happened on that fateful day of June 6, 2003?

I'm Bill Curtis.

Stay tuned.


This mystery might have died out completely had LOBO not emerged that very next year and started publishing on Predator Press.

-Publishing things that were raising some eyebrows.

It seems that numerous Predator Press posts bear a remarkable resemblance to Flandsa Ha’asasanba's opus The Turnip: Nature's Miracle Vegetable.

Obesrve the following excerpt from Flandsa Ha’asasanba's work:

"The turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa) is a root vegetable commonly grown in temperate climates worldwide for its white, bulbous taproot. Small, tender varieties are grown for human consumption, while larger varieties are grown as feed for livestock."

-And compare it to the following uncannily similar Predator Press quote:

"Fat tourists should not tan in temperate climates worldwide. Their pasty, white bulbous flesh should not be exposed to human eyes under any circumstances. The really fat fucks should be used strictly as livestock."

-It's almost as if all the nouns and verbs have been simply erased, and replaced at random.

The similarities are unmistakable.

So did Flandsa Ha’asasanba, a clearly insane and homicidal turnip-farming immagrant prodigy, murder LOBO and steal his blog and identity?

I'm Bill Curtis.

And we may never know.

Predator Press

[Mr. Insanity]

Sergeant Bellows was a short, tough looking guy. Squarish. Looks like a bulldog twirling a cigar in his mouth.

So far, of all the potential recruits for today, he's only had to refuse one: some guy named Cunning tried to sneak in with a broken pelvis.

The quota for the day already met, he quietly listened to LOBO with some interest, leaning back in his chair with his fingers interlocked behind his head.

"So I got my cotton plants growing, and I'm trying to find polyester plants so I can just make the T-Shirts right from my house." LOBO strokes his chin in thoughtful distraction. "Now I'm worried about security issues: industrial and national espionage. With $200, I've got to find a way to get rid of those surveillance satellites." He pulls two tiles. "So I think What about the Venus Fly Trap?", he continues in animated triumph. "I mean plant a bunch of em around my place, and feed 'em live cattle and steroids."

LOBO places his tiles on the board. I-T.

Silently, Sergeant Bellows leans forward and places his own tiles --T-O-U-R-N-I-Q-U-E-T-- and after collecting fifteen more tiles, he resumes his contemplative listening.

Eyebrows furrowed, LOBO examines his tiles as he continues. "Yeah well, suddenly my commie-pinko neighbors are complaining," he scrunches his face in sardonic mockery. "All day and all night, I'm hearing 'they're too ugly', and 'the leaves are fallin in my yard', and 'has anyone seen my kids?'" He grabs his tile and spells O-N at the tail of 'bludgeon'. "And that's why I think we should go to war with Russia." He pauses. "You can authorize that, right?"

Sergeant Bellows builds on LOBO's "ON", making it PANTHEON. "Oh sure," says Bellows. The score is now two hundred six to eight in the stoic sergeant’s favor. "This is the Bush Administration. We'll just tell the President it was his idea in the morning."

The great cigar swivels to the other side of his mouth, "The president is always way gung-ho after his Pop Tarts."


Predator Press Declares War on Environmentalism

Predator Press


Bee at Bee's Musings has the noble distinction of being the first blogger to notice my new fundraising effort, "Feed LOBO".

See, if you look in my sidebar you will find a handful of fine bloggers that have gone through a lot of trouble writing brilliant and/or funny books so they can earn an income.

But books have an insidious tendency to wind up in libraries, being studied, and, well, read. Remember school? It just makes me sick. I don't know exactly why those guys are being so mean to the Future Children of America by writing more of these 'books', but I'll have no part of it.

Hence my fundraiser: I, LOBO, solemnly swear that if I reach my modest goal of $999,999,999 by May 16, 2009 I will never write a book.

Probably wouldn't read one either.

And who has time to read and write books when -even as we speak- hemp-addled smelly hippies are treacherously allying themselves with 'environmental causes'?

Don't they realize this 'Environment' is tryin to kill us every day with deadly bacteria, disease, hurricanes, tidal waves, killer sharks, tornados, earthquakes, MicroSoft, catastrophic meteor strikes and X-rays from space?

I think most scientists would agree, "Mother Nature" would like nothing more than to dance barefoot in our slippery entrails ... and as Nietzsche probably said, "That which does not kill me is either lazy, or just waiting for the chance."

Tell those hippies to roll over, 'cuz this
thermometer is goin in the plooptionary.


Did I Eat This?

Predator Press


After three years, I finally got my RSS feed working.

I'm really impressed with myself.

I called my dad.

"Hey dad!" I says. "I got my RSS feed working!"

"What? Who is this?"

"Dad, it's me. LOBO."


"Very funny dad," I says chuckling. "We missed you at the wedding"

"What wedding?"

"I am married the fair LadyTerri."

"Oh man, she's hot."

"I know!" I says.

"Who is this really?"

"LOBO," I says. "Remember? You are undefeated at finding the most Easter eggs. I was the short one wearing the blindfold."

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe your dad was the one hiding the Easter eggs in the first place?"

"You would get frustrated after a few hours, and from then on made us paint them white so they would be easier to spot," I reflect. "I found one on my Big Wheel yesterday."

"Well I wouldn't eat it. Look. I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong-"

"You used to drill us at 3:30 every morning in case of a zombie uprising."

"Zombie uprising? I'm sorry, but-"

"Unless it was Wednesday or Sunday. That's when we practiced for alien robot overlords."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Say, are you calling me from a cell phone?"

"You don't remember bursting out from under my bed, banging a trash can and shining a flashlight into my eyes while zapping me with a cattle prod and screaming obscenities until I wet my pants? That's one of my fondest memories."

[audible sigh]

"You realize that alien robot overlords would be able to intercept these transmissions -if they really existed?"


"And that once they secured a foothold on Terra Firma, they would play back all these messages searching for possible insurgents? They would send Ragnarok the Colossus!"

"Or Thrang, the Human Rototiller!"

"-If they existed."

"How is Rex?"



"Yeah. We hadda put him down in 2005. He unmistakably had The Look."

"So Rex is gone? Who delivers your mail now?"

"I dunno. Some robot."

"How's mom?"

"Possible zombie."


"You know her. It's hard to tell. She's never been the same after the abduction."

"Yeah. Good luck getting her near a trailer park."

"I keep tellin' her the best way to kill aliens is with a tornado. But then she just gives me The Look."

"How about Aunt Phyllis?"

"Robot Zombie."


"She always was a social butterfly. It worked out really well for her ... she's a Class C."

"A stainless model?"

"Fusion powered. All chrome. She's really come a long way. And you should see how fast she can deal the cards at Euchre. Mom and her are still inseparable ... but if we have another incident at the children's petting zoo, I think they are going to call the cops."

"I can just imagine the bill for dry cleaning."

"Look. I gotta go. You take good care of that LadyTerri, okay?"

"I will dad."

"God she's hot."

"I know dad."

"And congratulations on that RSS feed thing. If you guys ever get down here to Capitol Hill, be sure and drop into my office."

"We will."

"And stay away from Humor Blogs. Those people are weird."

"I will. I love you, dad."



Did I Eat This?

Predator Press


After five years, I finally got my RSS feed working.

I'm really impressed with myself.

-I called my dad.

"Hey Dad!" I says. "I got my RSS feed working!"

"What? Who is this?"

"Dad, it's me. LOBO."


"Very funny Dad," I says chuckling. "We missed you at the wedding."

"What wedding?"

"I married the fair Terri."

"Oh man, she's hot."

"I know!" I says.

"Who is this really?"

"LOBO," I says. "Remember? You were undefeated at finding the most Easter eggs. I was the short one wearing the blindfold."

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe your dad was the one hiding the Easter eggs in the first place?"

"You would get frustrated after a few hours, and from then on only let us paint them white so they would be easier to spot," I muse. "I found one on my Big Wheel yesterday."

"Well I wouldn't eat it. Look. I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong-"

"You used to drill us at 3:30 every morning in case of a zombie uprising."

"Zombie uprising-?"

"Unless it was Wednesday or Sunday. That's when we practiced for alien robot overlords."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Say, are you calling me from a cell phone?"

"How about when you burst out from under my bed, and banged a trash can while shining a flashlight into my eyes -the whole time zapping me with a cattle prod and screaming obscenities until I wet my pants?" Rhythmically, I gently kick the kitchen cabinet while absently twirling the curly phone cord in my fingers. "That's one of my fondest memories. 'The Power of Christ Compels You!' Haha. I'll bet you still tell that story."

[audible sigh]

"You realize that those same alien robot overlords would be able to intercept cellphone transmissions if they really existed?"


"And that once they secured a foothold on Terra Firma, they would play back all these messages searching for possible insurgents? They would send Ragnarok the Colossus!"

"Or Thrang, the Human Rototiller!"

"-If they existed, which I would never discuss over a cellphone."

"Remember how you disbelieved that new fertilizer gave you 'billions and billions of new grass blades' like it advertised, and I tried to count them for you? Cripes, I was only at 4,155,189 when the cops came."

"Yeah," says the disembodied voice. "But I was still proud of you."

"How is Rex?"



"Yeah. We hadda put him down in 2005. He unmistakably had The Look."

"So Rex is gone? Who delivers your mail now?"

"I dunno. Some robot."

"How's mom?"

"Possible zombie."


"You know her. It's hard to tell. She's never been the same after the abduction."

"Yeah. Good luck getting her near a trailer park."

"I keep tellin' her the best way to kill aliens is with a tornado. But then she just gives me The Look."

"How about Aunt Phyllis?"

"Robot zombie."

"No way!"

"She always was a social butterfly. It worked out really well for her ... she's, eh, a Class C."

"Stainless model?"

"Fusion powered. All chrome. She's really come a long way. And you should see how fast she can deal the cards at Euchre. Mom and her are still inseparable ... but if we have another incident at the petting zoo, I think they are going to call the cops."

"Poor Aunt Phyllis," I says. "It can't be easy to adjust to being a zombie and then pow, a Class C robot too -especially with all those eating disorders."

"Look. I gotta go. You take good care of that LadyTerri, okay?"

"I will dad."

"God she's hot."

"I know dad."

"You realize I have no idea who you are, right?"

"Oh, you old dog! I can see where I get my sense of humor."

"Well, congratulations on that RSS feed thingy anyways. And if you guys ever get down here to Capitol Hill, be sure and have Terri drop by my office."

"We will."

"And stay away from Hittites. Those people are nothing but trouble."

"I will. I love you, dad."



My Alternate Personality is Ed Harris?

Predator Press


Imagine my surprise when I found out.

My first tip off -well, my only tip off- was seeing this article in the Clay Pigeon.

Damn that looks familiar I thought.

And sure enough after scouring the Predator Press archives, I found it.

At first I was mad. And for a lot of reasons ... I mean Ed Harris is a great actor, sure ... but he's no LOBO. Does he really share my loathe for Hittites? Or was Ed merely trying to ride the coattails of my fame, wealth and notoriety?

-Maybe he was trying to topple the entire Predator Press Empire!

That couldn't be it. He would have to be totally crackers to attempt something so foolhardy.

Wouldn't he?


As the principles of Ockham's Razor cast doubt upon my initial state of denial, a wide spectrum of emotion finally settles at acceptance. The evidence is pretty clear: Ed Harris [Parcher] plagues Russell Crowe's [John Nash] sanity for a full two hours in 'A Beautiful Mind'. He's certainly got the 'chops' to be my alternate personality.

"Surely not LOBO," you say. "John Nash was crazy. You are the sanest -and possibly the most handsome and brilliantest- individual on Earth!"

But who am I to argue? Hey, there's nothing funny about comedy pal: maybe Predator Press did get nominated for four Oscars, Two Saturns, and win the Critic's Choice award in 1996. I certainly don't remember forgetting doing it.

Do you?

HOUR 1.5

The evidence that finally clinched it for me was the caption on the Clay Pigeon story: it says very clearly, "Ed Harris has played a lot of astronauts."

Heck, I spent weeks getting kicked off of the Space Program!


Maybe it's not so bad being Ed Harris (as long as he doesn't touch any of my stuff). I mean it could have been Nicole Richie.


But it could just have easily have been Brad Pitt. I mean why not Brad Pitt? You know, the pre-Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt, before they adopted like 57 kids? Ah god, can you imagine what that place must be like now? Trust me: as a proud parent, you can feed 'em two or three times a week and it's still all bitch, bitch, bitch -I don't care how much you beat them. And hello: Angelina Jolie? What's with all the adopting? Does Brad have E.D.?

Wait ... "ED"?

Oh my God I think I just snapped the Space-Time Continuum.


Do Sharks Fart?

Predator Press


Due to the holidays, I wasn’t going to post for a while. But science waits for no blog -not even Predator Press, dammit!

And you may remember that Predator Press is one of the few blogs that actually has a 47’ Great White Shark in captivity. And if Predator Press was going to keep this as an “exclusive” we needed to act fast.

What if Kathy Frederick at The Junk Drawer tried to 'scoop' me on this?


So at great expense to you, Predator Press scienticans have been dragged out of various pubs and meth labs to answer the burning question on everyone's mind: Do sharks fart?

But good Predator Press-like science is a harsh mistress, and these experiments were beset with difficulties from the outset: immediately selecting 10,000 Taco Bell Fresco Bean Burritos as our explosive gas-inspiring catalyst, no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t get Daisy to eat them.

This was perplexing. I have personally witnessed Daisy, our monstrous oceanic hunter, eat everything from Taylor Swift albums to pimply gangsta teenagers that piss me off in a swirling bloody chainsaw-like fashion. But guacamole? Wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole no matter what we did. So I figured we feed them to one of the Predator Press Scienticians, and then feed him to the shark, right? Well it turned out that Predator Press Scienticians were too lazy and worthless for this historic opportunity.

After an unsuccessful ad I took out in Victoria's Secret, I was frustrated; the odds of a waify supermodel finding out there were 10,000 free Taco Bell Fresco Bean Burritos laying around and us catching her before she threw them up couldn’t possibly be improved upon.

This was going to take all my cunning.

-And frankly having them delivered to a Weight Watchers meeting was sheer genius.

Daisy broke wind at precisely 3:51 this afternoon.

Halo of Files

Predator Press


I made it through acid rain, ozone depletion, contraction of the thermosphere, global warming, et cetera.

So I was neither surprised or impressed that we cracked the Earth’s crust and spewed millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

-What really bugged me, I suppose, is that we did it for the oil.

So our options are 1) Buy oil from countries that want to kill us, or B) Drill our own oil via companies that may make our environment completely untenable?

Shit, if we're negotiating for position on a "need-versus-environment" sliding scale, I would rather have the chlorofluorocarbons back frankly.

My hair used to be awesome.

We claim to be interested in alternate forms of energy, yet continue to elect people with a vested interest in oil. Trusting the wolves to guard the sheep is hardly an effort we can take seriously. Want some real progress? Gather up all the physicists, chemists, and biologists, et cetera, dust off Alcatraz, and lock them all up in it. Give them chalk, calculators, and all the meth they can handle, and don’t feed them or let them sleep until they’ve come up with something. Throw in some anonymous violent criminals (to keep it interesting between the occasional ancillary cancer cures and teleportation devices) and Pay-Per-View the whole thing to finance it. Wouldn‘t it be awesome to see an emaciated, blood-soaked and twitchy Doctor Michio Kaku pulling a shiv from Stephen Hawking‘s neck, screaming “Eureka!” in the comfort of your own home?

Now that‘s fucking science.

But even with the oil leak dubiously closed and subtle stirring of the HBFFL‘s inevitable annual wakening, I may never have emerged; safely ensconced in a womblike fog of alcohol and chain-smoked cigarettes, the raging dissonance is blunted by an artificially-inflated perception distance.

Embittered by the lack of resonance to the mighty Predator Press empire, I let the Arizona immigration issue slide while Mexican drug lords rose to power. Sensing my ambivalence, vast anti-Predator Press networks -having jealously long sought the destruction of the greatest bastion of knowledges and wisdomness humanity has ever seen- seized upon this opportunity to strike: Wesley Snipes faces incarceration, rendering him wholly unable to play me in LOBO: The Motion Picture for another three years. Sweet, innocent little Lindsay Lohan, bereft of my protection, has been framed for witchcraft or something and faces a similar fate. China has set their Dalian oil fields afire in open revolt, and Castro has reemerged, emboldened by my glaring absence. And Predator Press didn't even get nominated for an Emmy.

-Not one!

And nourished by this fertile apathy, a brazen and unbound evil blossomed. Heedless of the desperate cries of the United Nations, the Vatican, and various high-ranking members of the 4-H Club, Predator Press offices remained closed and dark; the massive, once-bustling blog ink warehouses gathered dust -a dust accompanied only by the occasional lonely howl of a lifeless wind making way aimlessly through cobwebbed corridors, looking in vain for tumbleweeds to blow.

Millions of readers camped outside, singing songs in joyous anticipation of my return. But an ominous shadow of cold, hard doubt permeated the throngs, like a big, stealthy panther. Yes -a big, stealthy, fire-breathing, flying monkey-panther of permeating doubt.

Those poor throngs.

In grief and despair, many immolated themselves. Many threw themselves from building tops. Many immolated themselves and then threw themselves from building tops. It’s a good thing I had those suicide pits installed: I love my readers, but they ain’t exactly the tidiest people in the world.

And then -just as it seemed that all hope was lost and the Earth was to be plunged into a cold, dark, LOBOless void for all eternity- a familiar voice boomed across the internet.

“Mel Gibson did what!?


American Monarchy X

Predator Press


“When Paris Hilton was handed a jail sentence,” I says, “my first impulse was pity. And really not for any other reason than I wouldn't want to go to jail, and I'm probably ten times as equipped to survive a jail sentence than she.” I flick my cigarette out of the Cadillac. “Pull over here,” I says.

“Really?” says Gilmore.


Gilmore’s eyebrows furrow. “That isn’t even a parking place.”

“There’s plenty of room for the car. That's a parking place if I ever saw one.”

Gilmore stopped the car in a rude diagonal, right in front of the Dennys entrance.

“For me," I says removing my seat belt, "the pity eroded quickly as I listened to her various and vapid post-trial defenses. ‘But I told the truth’ was the really odd one: there was no acknowledgment of personal responsibility anywhere at all; the fact that she was caught red-handed and decided to cooperate should've made everything fine.”

We simultaneously exit the car and walk in.

“Ten bucks,” I challenge behind the crowded Please Wait To Be Seated sign. “Ten bucks says I can get food before Paris Converts to Islam.”

“This isn't really about Paris,” argues Gilmore. “Trust me, ‘Paris Hilton’ is the last thing to worry about. In fact, she's inconsequential to the real issues here. As I've pointed out with Mike Tyson, blaming Paris Hilton is like blaming The Monster instead of Doctor Frankenstein. Paris, with few discernable talents, commands $250,000 for an appearance. Who writes those checks? We do. We made these people. We love them with our wallets and our cameras. We feed and house them.”

Watching a waitress come out of the kitchen balancing a large serving tray of food, I nudge him.

“That one?” I says.

“Nah,” replies Gilmore. “It’s all rabbit food.”

“As a repeat offender,” I offer, “she got a shorter sentence than I would have. And her parents mocked the judge, something that would have not only increased my sentence, but would have got my parents locked up too.”

One of the many families of four in front of us get a table, and we advance a little.

“Look,” says Gilmore. “We encourage this. Because at some innate level they are fun to watch. The brief spectacle of one ‘self destructing’ in an environment we provided them is just fantastic television. Fuck Paris. She doesn't deserve anymore credit than a pet goldfish; she’s merely a symptom of sadistic masses as a whole."

"See, why go and down goldfish?" I says.

"LOBO," Gilmore says emphatically. "We were watching Paris and just salivating for something like this to happen. That's a pretty barbaric form of entertainment."

Another waitress comes out of the kitchen.

“How ‘bout that?” I ask.

“Not bad,” says Gilmore.

We step out of line and into the restaurant, intercepting the waitress with the large tray of food. Gilmore slips her a $100 bill as I grab the entire tray, and we walk by the crowd still 'waiting to be seated' nodding politely, and climb into the car.

Excruciatingly, Gilmore continues as we fasten our seat belts. “I can't believe after all that, her sentence gets reduced."

"Heck, they gave her a private suite." I reply. "And she complained about that. It was making the time go slower 'cuz she was bored."

"Yeah. Can you imagine explaining to a Parole Board that you deserve to get out based on the simple virtue that incarceration isn't amusing enough? Or that 'the cells are filthy'? I would have slapped a few months on just for that! Why should we respect ‘The Law’," he drones, "when it doesn't even try for an appearance of integrity? It's bad enough that hard-working decent people have to work under the oppressive nature of a 'Free Nation' that employs a different set of laws upon the rich and the poor. But must their noses be shoved in it too? Paris complained that the cop initially pulled her over to hit on her. You know, that might even be true and I don't care. Celebrity, fame, popularity ... oh it's such a drag. This carefully and cultivated image was planned and thrust upon poor Paris, wasn't it?"

“Gilmore, I don’t think you understand,” I says, winging the empty serving tray out the window of the car like a discus before putting on my seat belt. “Paris Hilton is exactly that. She's America's own manifestation of Princess Di. She was born into this. Do you want to see our Princess sticking a shiv in some crazy tattooed naked chick’s kidney while showering? My god man, her own parents would probably kill you for that.”

“I understand that rich people have problems too," he rudely continues. "But it's really not the same is it? There's a huge leap between worrying about your family's mere survival and well-being, and worrying about ... well, whatever it is the rich are worrying about. I'm sure it's not easy. I imagine that had Paris injured or killed someone, her grief would have been completely insufferable; it would have tarnished her public 'socialite' image, and probably caused the cancellation of various endorsements. She probably would have had to cough up a few million to the family before she could bear to face her next latte.”

“Dude,” I says. “These potato skins are awesome.”

“Dibs on the mozzarella sticks.” replies Gilmore, peeling out.

"And you owe me 10 bucks," I remind.

Do Sharks Fart?

Predator Press


I know I said I wasn’t going to post for a few days, but science waits for no blog -not even Predator Press, dammit!

And you may remember that Predator Press is one of the few blogs that actually has a 47’ Great White Shark in captivity. And if Predator Press was going to keep this as an “exclusive” we needed to act fast.

What if Kathy at The Junk Drawer tries to 'scoop' me on this?


So at great expense to you, Predator Press scienticans have been dragged out of various pubs and meth labs to answer the burning question on everyone's mind: Do sharks fart?

But good Predator Press-like science is a harsh mistress, and these experiments were beset with difficulties from the outset: immediately selecting 10,000 Taco Bell Fresco Bean Burritos as our explosive gas-inspiring catalyst, no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t get Daisy to eat them.

This was perplexing. I have personally witnessed Daisy, our monstrous oceanic hunter, eat everything from Pearl Jam albums to pimply gangsta teenagers that piss me off in a swirling bloody chainsaw-like fashion. But guacamole? Wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole no matter what we did.

So I figured we feed them to one of the Predator Press Scienticians, and then feed him to the shark, right? Well it turned out that Predator Press Scienticians were too lazy and worthless for this historic opportunity.

I was frustrated. This is California for god’s sake: the odds of Nicole Ritchie finding out there were 10,000 Taco Bell Fresco Bean Burritos laying around here and us catching her before she threw them up couldn’t possibly be improved upon!

This was going to take all my cunning.

-And frankly having them delivered to a Weight Watchers meeting was sheer genius.

Daisy broke wind at precisely 3:51 this afternoon.