
Kanye West Shot Dead By Secret Service

Predator Press



Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

Your headline had me all excited. It's not nice to tease a girl like that.

Candice said...

Too bad MTV didn't give away a moon man for being the biggest dick ever. Kayne would have had it in the bag, yo.

Chris C said...

Maybe he didn't know there wasn't an award for being a dick being that he tried so hard to win one.

Doctor Faustroll said...

Brother, Kanye spare me a new hit single on the charts with a bullet?

Kirsten said...

what a shame! He won't be missed...

Stephanie Barr said...

What an asshole!

Anonymous said...

I hear his real name is Richard Cephalo... if not, it should be.

SANDY said...

You know until a day ago, I had never heard of him. This is the jerk that interrupted the awards show right?


LOBO said...

DG: Uggh. Tell me about it.

Candice: Picking on lil white girls is sooooo two-thousand and late.

Chris: This is one of those boneheaded things I almost feel as bad for the perpetrator as I do for the victim.


Doc: lol! I'm not familiar with any of the players here musically or otherwise ... but Kanye really shoulda punctuated this with biting the head off of a bat or something.

Kirsten: Not by the right sniper.

Stephanie: I woulda love to have been at his place the next day.

"Hey Kanye! You're on the news!"

"Really? Which one?"

"All of it! Oh and BTW, Michael Vick sent you a fruit basket."

Jamie: My only regret in this debacle is that Swift didn't smash him upside the head with the trophy as he left the stage. I swear to God I would've bought every record she ever made for that.

SANDY: Yeah. and now that we do know who he is, I'm not sure we're better off.

Anonymous said...

It is all true... It will be confirmed later this week... They are trying to find the best way to expose it to the public... However since it has become known to the public it will most likely surface sooner than expected... You can find small bits of it here... www.kanyewest.arc/blog/update if it doesn't work for you try opening with firefox and a java downgrade... This is a deleted post but is still archived... There were OVER 9000 hits on it so it needed to be taken down...

magnumfinger said...

well today, it seems kanye ain't killed by secret service but by Twitter! lol for him
