The Brood Network
Predator Press
A vague dalliance with "Facebook" has given me an often-unrequested glimpse into the past, and friends from way back are beginning to build their own blogs and web page variants.
One remarked recently that Predator Press was weird.
"Weird!" I says indignant. "Just look at her site. It's like 1000 pictures of her kids she slapped together a few months ago."
"Blogging means different things to different people," Terri defended.
"Well that's weird if you ask me," I retort. "Putting up pictures and the names of your kids on the internet seems like an invitation to weirdoes. And if your audience is weirdoes, that's weird by definition."
"What's your point?" she asks sarcastically.
Skimming, I scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the following quote:
***Please don't RIP nor COPY any CONTENTS here.***
"WTF?" I demand. "Like some retired international jewel thief is scouring the internet for pics of children to claim are his? Imagine the overhead on that operation," I surmise. "The child support alone would be staggering."
Terri chuckles over my shoulder. "She's obviously very protective."
I scowl checking the hit counter. "Well we got kids fair and square. I might want to capitalize on this idea while I can -particularly with Screechy on the verge of moving out on his own."
Terri stares. "He's seven."
"We can't coddle him forever!"

A vague dalliance with "Facebook" has given me an often-unrequested glimpse into the past, and friends from way back are beginning to build their own blogs and web page variants.
One remarked recently that Predator Press was weird.
"Weird!" I says indignant. "Just look at her site. It's like 1000 pictures of her kids she slapped together a few months ago."
"Blogging means different things to different people," Terri defended.
"Well that's weird if you ask me," I retort. "Putting up pictures and the names of your kids on the internet seems like an invitation to weirdoes. And if your audience is weirdoes, that's weird by definition."
"What's your point?" she asks sarcastically.
Skimming, I scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the following quote:
***Please don't RIP nor COPY any CONTENTS here.***
Terri chuckles over my shoulder. "She's obviously very protective."
I scowl checking the hit counter. "Well we got kids fair and square. I might want to capitalize on this idea while I can -particularly with Screechy on the verge of moving out on his own."
Terri stares. "He's seven."
"We can't coddle him forever!"

And I think you're still grumpy.
And actually, about 2 years ago there was this guy that was taking pictures of someone's kid from their blog and posting it on his blog. Like it was his kid. Weirdo. Not sure what it accomplished.
OWO: Grumpy? Heck I'm really impressed a guy from two years ago could rip off my blog.
I wish he was dead.
-Okay maybe you're right about the 'grumpy' thing.
That's a compliment :)
Rofl Stuffz
-Wait. Is this a keyboard or a salad spoon?
Cheeky fucker he is, and no mistake.
My nickname "LOBO" came in around 2000 while I was in college: aside from long stories, my friends called me that based on a comic book I had never seen before.
During my last semester my mom had an emergency and had to help her move. Plus I was leaving from Honolulu to O'Hare within hours. After weeks of non-sleep studying, I literally put my pencil down from my last test and rode to the airport.
The guys that always called me "LOBO" were the guys in that car, and they put me on the plane with the exact issue you linked.
I still have it in a plastic baggie.
Anywho -while I wasn't flattered exactly- I've used that pen name ever since ...
PS, Little "eh" is quite the stunner. ;)
But isn't that weird? Seriously? And I almost want to steal one now ... just to see what would happen ...
I have to get 'lil Gertrude married off before anyone makes any huge moves here.
(I promised the El Camino.)
Indeed El Camino was the most powerful and fearsome of Spanish Gods: "El" is Spanish for Mister, and "Camino" is Spanish for Camino.
And as a tribute to Mister Camino, I have an El Camino in my car port, propped up on four altar-like cinderblocks in loving perpetuity ...
-And I thought I was a narcissist!
Ann: LOL ... people would start posting their kids' addresses and timetables .... :)
And when I say "fetching" I mean "rrrreaaaally f***ing hot!"; and when I say "borrow" I mean "kidnap and hide in the backyard of my cinderblock house on Walnut Avenue, behind a 6-foot fence, leafy trees and a tarp, inside a compound of weathered tents, wood sheds and buildings"; and when I say "18 and legal" I mean "hold a barely legal minor against their will on said premises"...?
Ha...riiiight! whaddya say?
Six foot? You're gonna have to come up with at least an eight foot fence, or I won't even dignify your offer with a response.