
Less LOBOs

Predator Press


Before you start immolating yourselves or jumping off of buildings –or worse, immolating yourselves and then jumping off of buildings- please read this post in it’s entirety.

I didn’t consciously take a week off; I sorta got myself tripped up over a bit of a quandary.

See I’ve had a “Facebook” account for a few years and have neglected it. And as it is still unfamiliar, I was puzzled by the handful of people that had already found the undeveloped page and added me as friends. Heck, half of those resourceful few didn’t remember who I was when I returned the favor.

Despite the nagging guilt, this disregard may have gone on indefinitely. But I read recently that facebook and LinkedIn –used properly- can be assets when on a job search.

-Unfortunately, “used properly” means divulging a whole lot of personal info that I tend to avoid.

So now I need to decide how or if these tools are suitable for my purposes. But I like the relative anonymity, and truth be told there is little spectacular to reveal in regard to my personal and professional life anyway ... and doesn’t putting all that information out there pose a lot of risk of misuse too?

It seems like a lopsided equation in favor of leaving well enough alone.

The reason this is now pivotal is because of a good idea Terri had: taking on guest authors on a non-formal semi-regular basis. Specifically, featuring a unique article by a different blogger or writer maybe once a week or so, and switching up the page philosophy to be more of a magazine-format gallery.

That said, is there even interest in guest participation here? As a former newspaper editor, I would probably skim the grammar and ensure the formatting matches my site -but wouldn’t foresee a lot of micromanaging the guest post content … if it’s interesting, it’s fine. And to mitigate my own irregular posting patterns (I’m not quitting, I’m augmenting), I would make a banner in the #1 sidebar spot for that week’s Guest Poster for easy navigation, and ensure the post would be replete with links back to the respective author’s site.

So there it all is. If you’re interested in guest posting here, leave a comment. Or regarding facebook and LinkedIn users, how have these services impacted your lives? And were I to develop them, should they be extensions of Predator Press humor, or should they be serious and “real,” with author info and so forth?

And if you think about it, you’re doing us all a favor here.

-I could write epic volumes on cat farts.


LOBO said...

Before you say it, It’s true I was an editor for a paper. You might expect better grammar, et cetera, but keep in mind that’s a copy editor’s job; I was more the guy that assigned the stories.

Mom said...

Lobo, I used to be a magazine/web editor/designer before I left all the glam and glitz for the the world of journalism teaching.

Don't know you're interested, but I could give it a whirl from time to time. A lot of what I write is stuff about me (really, what else is there? LOL) but I do write about news and absurdities when the mood strikes.

What the hell is wrong with Brett Favre?

Ashton Kutcher doesn't want to be stalked

Show me the money! I mean it

Pirates? Are you kidding me?

Smart cars? Not!

What would mom do?

Mom said...

Oh, I forgot today's post...
Being "green" by going yellow

I dunno, just a thought...

LOBO said...

I think I would like to keep the pieces used here as uniquely written.

-But let me see how this all "shakes out" as a concept too. :)

Stephanie Barr said...

I wouldn't mind doing a guest post. I love a challenge.

I have a facebook and myspace account because my teenage daughter does and I want to keep some sort of track of what she's doing on there, but I have ZERO interest in it myself. At any given time, I have a gillion unanswered requests. And next time, I'll have even more.

Suzanne said...

Let me be the first to say that I don't want to guest post. Nothing personal but I've been having a hard enough time coming up with stuff for my own blog. Maybe another time, you know after summer, I have my tan to think about.

I've had a FaceBook account over a year now but just started becoming active again because my brother got an account and he won't talk to me on the phone. I haven't seen anyone using it for work purposes but I don't roll with that kind of crowd, I take quizzes on what President I'm most like and stuff like that.

LOBO said...

I'll be back and answer individual comments soon ... but I'm really disappointed I'm not being begged to continue the "Cat Farts" thing.

I bought, like, $35,000 worth of scientific and electronic cat fart recording crap on Terri's credit cards.

-This here is an investment now.

Dee at Pedestrian Palate said...

Your readers would probably not tolerate me as a guest poster, but I will promise to read all of your guest posts and to comment as irrationally and off topic as I always have. We play to our strengths.

PS - Please bring on the posts about cat farts. You p0wn this particular niche market.

Bee said...

I'm not worthy of Predator Press and I mean that in all seriousness.

Frankly, I went the Bee Musings route on facebook because I don't need my coworkers, who are featured (ridiculed, really) prominently on my blog looking for me on facebook. They aren't that computer savvy but every once in a while even a monkey can hit the right key.

Regarding Linkedin... I filled out my info but not where I work because I don't need anybody that may hate to call my employer and spill the beans.

It's scary out there.

You were suggested to me by Unfinishedrambler and I was all "huh? who?" but at then end I was like "well, I'm low on serial killers this year so why not?" ;o)

Daisy said...

I just joined Facebook about a week ago, and I'm still trying to figure it all out!

ReformingGeek said...

I primarily use Facebook to keep up with friends and family. LinkedIn is more of a professional network for me but if I were seriously job hunting, it would be nice to have those contacts.

LOBO said...

Stephanie: I think a guest post from you would be awesome ... one can never get enough sciency bigfoot updates.

Sue: The consensus seems to indicate that facebook is strictly for fun. I'm glad I asked, and thanks for the input!

DG: Tolerate? Yeesh people would probably be grateful for some decent and thoughtful musings for a change!

Bee: I couldn't hand pick someone more worthy, so don't sell yourself short.

-And I think your insights on facebook and LinkedIn are dead-on.

Daisy: It seems like facebook is getting a big collective "yawn." Still, it's neat to see all the activity ... it's like Twitter on steroids.

Reforming Geek: Good advice/observation. And who knows? Cat fart stories may be in high demand in upscale, affluent neighborhoods that can afford my unique talents ...

Okay people, so far I got Stephanie and maybe Mom as a guest poster.

Don't be chicken like Bee!


Stephanie Barr said...

So, how do we go about this?

Suzanne said...

I'm not chicken, I just have a lot of important things to do. My plate is full.
For one thing, I have to take the quiz at FaceBook to see "What Nationality I Drink Like".

Mike said...

If your offer is still open, I'd love to have the opportunity write a guest post. I have actually started looking around for such opportunities. I satirize news artilces and also do short essays of observational humor. Any guidelines on length?

I can submit an example of my work, just let me know what you're looking for and I'll try to find a good example.

And don't worry, I don't do cat farts.

LOBO said...

Actually this idea is still under construction, so any guidelines are going to be on the fly. I would just try to be entertaining and showcase your own writing/blogging. There are some instructions/guidelines here, but a synopsis of the mechanical aspects are:

1) submit a piece that doesn't already exist anywhere (including your blog),

2) email me the text file at, and

3) if there are pictures, upload them on your blog as a draft and send me the specific pic addresses with the body text -they should still work (if they don't, I'll have to figure that out on an as-need basis).

Lastly, there are only a handful of people so far but a rough calendar appears to be a good idea (I only want to feature 1 new author/blog a week ... I'll re-evaluate this later if necessary). If you can give me an idea when you would like to be "penciled in" it would be helpful.

Anywho, thanks Mike! I’m looking forward to your submission!

LOBO said...

I'm firming this stuff up (and have added a tentative schedule) here.