DePeste Mode

Predator Press


Today is the big day.

May 6, 2009 will mark the precise point when Predator Press finally offended every last human on Earth.

This momentous feat would have been accomplished sooner, but 22 year old Ranma Chu [pictured left] turned out to be very tricky to track down; customs officials took issue with “Dental Floss Jokes” as my Reason for Visiting the Country, and the Singaporean authorities became completely intransigent.

-Lousy Communists.


Mark said…
Pffft! I've not been offended yet. Unless I'm not counted amongst humans. Although, I also wouldn't find that offensive.
Brent Diggs said…
That's it. I'm now officially pissed. Prepare the trebuchet for immediate launch.
Kirsten said…
excellent job, offensive one!!

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