Where There's Brimstone ...

Today I read an article on CNN about how George W. Bush “did not sell his soul in order to accommodate the political process.”
-This is unfortunate as the value of his soul has been in severe decline since his inception into office.
“Yep, it’s a fact,” says noted soul broker Lou C. Ferr. “The resale value of George W. Bush’s soul has been in such decline for so long, at this point I don’t think even I could find a buyer.”
When asked for advice on how to increase the value of one’s soul, Lou elaborates. “It’s like the economy. At some point the actual value needs to be truthfully recognized or the whole system falls apart like a house of cards and into chaos."
"If George is serious about profiting on his investment," Lou adds, "he should start small ... Maybe get a puppy or do some volunteer work.”
This all assumes that GWB has a soul, of which there is no evidence.
I minored in metaphysical finance, so trust me on this.