Woe to thee, Brent.
For trapped here under the bed for 9 days now, I have not been idle ... I've been plotting and planning my revenge!
It was sheer good fortune that I found this single crayola, with which I've designed a mighty robot specifically to counter attack -and utterly decimate- your puny Ominous Comma Tambourine Army!
See how it squishes your tanks? Hm? Even your helicopters fall helplessly to the righteous fire of its mighty .1,000,000 caliber machine guns that shoot from its eyes!
While other bloggers might graciously accept your unconditional surrender, I am a very petty individual devoid of any class whatsoever: your long reign will be punctuated (clever, eh?) by the screams of you and your followers, and Predator Press shall rise to it's rightful place in the annals of destiny!
I really did like the Danger Couch! DVD though.
... Is there any chance I can get it autographed?
To create a New Blog Order, Lobo has cleverly concealed his Comma Colon Complication to bait the Ominous Comma into the Blogging Battle for control the Humor Blog Empire! :))
I'm undecided as to which side I want to take.
On the one hand, Brent has stated men are better, faster, smarter and prettier than women.
On the second hand it's almsot 12 o'clock and on the third hand I don't endorse violence via robot.
What. To. Do.
Oh calamitous crayola conflagrations!
(Damn, she got me doing it too.)
I understand your righteous wrath gentlemen, but what about the innocents who could get hurt?
That why I suggest, completely altruistically, that until this epic battle is decided, you send all of your readerships over to me for safe keeping. Naturally, when the winner emerges from the dust of ruin (assuming one of you does of course,) I'll return any of your readers I haven't had the chance to re-brand.
I...I only want to help.
I was going to relent until I saw your latest outrage.
It's on like a lightswitch.
If you payed your power bill, that is.
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