It was on the tenth day of starin' up at the Serta -just as I was about to tear off the tag and incur the wrath of the mighty Diesel- when I had an epiphany: This isn't the first instance of the sinister Ominous Comma weaving his depraved will into the fabric of history.
I started to see a pattern.
Oh yes Brent.
I'm onto you.
I'll begin with the Bermuda Triangle. Oh, sure ... at first glance, it seems like a harmless geometric span of ocean that gobbles up ships and planes without a trace. But "Comma" starts with a "C", the third letter of the alphabet.
And how many sides does a triangle have?
Where were you Brent? And what have you done with Flight 19?

You readers must decide for yourself.

I've found numerous flights to Nepal that synch up nicely to reports of Yeti sightings, and he could have been on any one of them.
I’ve narrowed it down to 687 potential flights, all of which may have lost his luggage, thereby leaving him without pants and/or his attaché of shaving gear.
Where were you then Brent?

I bet Brent pulls the a disapearing act....I once lost a trailer load of computers I wonder if they went there...:)))
ps I tagged you
Hey, waitaminute ... Isn't that Pope Benedict XVI in the tank?
Oh, I'm quite visible. Photons bounce off of me like angrily moshing slinkies.
I am a looming threat, a weaving hazard, even a crocheting catastrophe.
In fact, if I were you I wouldn't get to comfortable tonight.
Of course if you were me, you'd be in biology class.
I sure got the worst end of that deal.
Also, do you realise that 'Brent' is an anagram of 'Bent R'.
And what happens when you bend an R?
You get a B.
Um...I forget where I am going with this, to be honest.
I saw Brent pushy Goody Brown into a well.
I got a huge linkie smack in the middle of an Ominous Comma post.
Why can't you be a good little soldier like Brent?
Damn! Does that mean you're gonna start wearing dresses?
Obviously, I'm on your side, because I hate Nazis, arctic monsters, sea monsters, and people who have nothing better to do than destroy airplanes. I mean, seriously, they let any war criminal blog nowadays.
Phew, finally somebody's blown the lid on the whole OC issue.
BTW, Lord Likely, it isn't the anagram we're worried about it's the acronym:
Belligerent Rudimentary Egghead, Nefarious for Trash.
Wrongness abounds here. I must prepare myself for an appropriate response.
Please remain silent while I mediatate.
I'll be back.
Your Lordship- The Adventures of BentR is my barbarian fiction blog, replete with savage monsters, desperate women, and muscular stunt authors. (No dinosaurs were harmed in the making of this blog.)
SunPeeps- What's with all the hate? I was even going to offers you a spot in my new restaurant franchise NuremBurger Land home of the Solitary Confinement Value Meal.
Skwibward- A trash talking egghead perhaps, but rudimentary? Never, sir.
I will have you know that I was at the top of my class in Advanced Belligerocity. I stayed there all semester too, until the duct tape finally peeled free from the ceiling.
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