
Oh, It's ON. No, Wait ... It's Off Again.

Predator Press


As I stare up at the roof of the ambulance, I suppose there were a lot of reasons not to except a challenge from Style Swags 8 year old yellow-belted daughter.

First of all, from the locker room to the cage in the center of Madison Square Garden was a really long walk. In retrospect, this was part of her strategy I'm sure: by the time she was gluing the broken glass shards and razorwire to her gloves I was already winded.

I don't really remember much after that ... just a lot of fuzzy images of her staring down at me going, "How do you like me now?" [foot to head] "How do you like me now?" [fist to appendix] and "Quit crying, you sissy!" [appendix to face] ... then there was a whole lot of screaming and begging, mercifully followed by confetti and Hannah Montana songs.

I hate sports.


Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that I haven't removed you from my blogroll...I've just moved the blogroll to another part of my site. This is because I wanted extra space in my sidebar to accomodate for the new web forum I installed recently, that's all.

LOBO said...

Don't Sweat it COQ; I don't go on hunts for "lost links"; the sites linked here are "no strings attached", and based solely on what I like reading.

Come to think of it, this blog is in part a big, long, mobile list of my own personal bookmarks ... :)

Anonymous said...

you gotta watch those 8 year olds they are sneaky smart.. and they squeal on you to..:))

robkroese said...

Your reign as champ had to end eventually.

Anonymous said...

See, now look what you made me do. All you had to do was hand over the Nintendo DS (the pink one I saw in your knapsack) and none of this would have happened.

Don't worry skin and bones heal. Your reputation on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

LuciaGirl say: "Ahhh, Lobo San. You fought well, grasshopper.

You fine warrior but much better writer. I look foward to our next mighty battle.

But...for now...I recommend putting on a bag of frozen peas 'cause your face looks like a pizza!"