I must admit, becoming an official honorary White Belt in karate has significantly affected my self-image.
When you are a trained killing machine -a living weapon- you walk a little taller.
With more confidence.
Command, if you will.
But karate is also a strict discipline. It is for self defense ... not jacking up some guy that looks at you weird at the gas station.
Violence is always the last resort.
So just so I ain't gotta rip the neck of of some smack-talkin' ne'er do well punk blissfully ignorant of my killing prowess, I wear my karate pajamas everywhere.
As a warning.
... and I gotta tell you, these are way more effective than my Batman pajamas ever were.
Batman PJ's are for sissies anyway..weren't you the guy kicking the crap out of a garbage can down the street the other day out side the 7/11...???
I find that muttering to yourself, a noticeable amount of spittle, and the occasional shouted expletive is just as effective a self-defense as the self-confidence inspired by a white belt.
Okay, that's it! You, in the Batman jammies, outside, now. I'm gonna get all Hong Kong Phooey on your ass. Don't let the Lil' Mermaid nightgown fool you.
StyleSwag's 8 year old yellow belted daughter, Booyah!
Yeah, well I bet Terri's PJ's can kick your PJ's ass!
Do these pajamas look like Chuck Norris's back hair?
Great! Excellent writing. What a great laugh! Being a REAL black belt in Karate and having experienced those days in "white belt world" I can truly relate. Don't let it get to your head though. When the times come, you might meet someone who can run faster than you and is able to catch up. :-)
Woo-hoo! Good for you! Welcome to the "club"! I always love to hear of an adult that has joined the martial art! I joined a local dojo three years ago... isn't it HARD?! I swear, it took me like a whole month just to get the initial etiquette semi-mastered (bowing in and out of the dojo - OK, which hand goes down first? which comes up first? Put which toe over which? ETC...) And what's even worse... it's so stinkin' humiliating sometimes to get wooped by a CHILD during sparring! Sheesh! But I'm still plugging along (Gokyu rank presently!) slowly but surely. Best wishes to you for EVERY success!
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